More threads by Klaas Koopman

Nov 15, 2015
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Dear Local Search Specialists,

Currently I have a double account somehow, when someone in the Netherlands Googles for my name. Instead of my main account, it shows a different account of which I have no memory of creating, but somehow it's there.

I have clicked the 'feedback' and mentioned it as a double, but after a few months it still exists?

What's the next step in order to get this one removed?
Currently I have a double account somehow, when someone in the Netherlands Googles for my name. Instead of my main account, it shows a different account of which I have no memory of creating, but somehow it's there.

Hi Klaas, are we talking 2 accounts for sure? Or are you saying 2 separate listings?

Are they exact dupes with exact same NAP?

Is the one you didn't create claimed? So one claimed and one not?

I have clicked the 'feedback' and mentioned it as a double, but after a few months it still exists?

Sorry you had to lose so much time on this. "feedback" does not go to support and does not take care of individual listing issues. That's for general feedback like "this new design layout is harder to read."

If you can elaborate on the points I raised above we may be able to help.
But then again we might need links to both map listings just to be sure about the situation.
Dear Linda,

As always, thank you for your reply!

The wrong one: klaas koopman - Google Search
The right one: klaas koopman seo specialist - Google Search

I'm sure I made both, but only know the login to the right one. Any way to find out how to get into the wrong one, or get it removed? And I am not seeing anything about claiming, only feedback. Which I read online that when you want to remove a duplicate, you could use feedback for this?

Would love to hear your solution!
I got one step closer: managed to find the emailaddress but when I try to login it says: This is not your device, verify by phone. But this is an ancient phonenumber that I no longer have. How do I get in now?
Hi Klaus, those links take me to Google search, which does not show me GMB listings.
Can you find each on maps and give me the maps link?
Yep that's it.

Hmmm, have not dealt with a dupe for a long time. I believe to ask Google to merge them, one needs to be unverified. That means you'd have to ask for ownership, to get control of the one you don't want, then delete from dash. BUT don't do it yet, there may be a better way.

Let's see if Joy or Colan or someone sees this tomorrow and weighs in.
Had a phonecall with Google today and we managed to get control of the incorrect GMB. Waiting for a mail regarding what I need to do now, she said I need to make a picture of the front of my business. Afterwards they will combine the old and the new one and it should be done. So, now it's waiting for Google!

PS. why can't I edit my posts, would be easier instead of adding a reply?
Ok good to hear Klaas!

Most forums have a cutoff editing period. You can edit during the 1st 15 min or so, so if you notice a typo or want to change your reply you can - but then it locks. (Many good reasons for this.)
PS. why can't I edit my posts, would be easier instead of adding a reply?

Among other reasons, if you edit a post it doesn't change the timestamp so it doesn't show as a new post. Therefore, no one would know you replied and any additional information or questions in the edit could very likely get ignored.

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