More threads by PropelMike


Aug 2, 2022
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As of yesterday (3/15/23) we are starting to see locations getting flagged as duplicate with different addresses. The commonality is the name and phone number. We have never seen this before. We have thousands of locations and some use call centers that have the same phone number. Just wanted to give a heads-up if you have the same set-up. I'll add to this thread as we find out more.
Thank you for letting us know Mike. Having the same name and phone number across multiple listings is definitely one of the more common ways that listings get flagged as duplicates.
Thank you for letting us know Mike. Having the same name and phone number across multiple listings is definitely one of the more common ways that listings get flagged as duplicates.
Wave of duplicate detections are common with Google Core updates (I'm pretty sure they are linked to Knowledge graph updates), but it happening to GBP with distinct addresses does seem unusual.

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