More threads by mikepcservice

Jun 6, 2018
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Hello guys, regarding proper image optimization for SEO, I am seeing in wordpress that 4 fields needs to be filled out [title, description, alt and caption]. However when I look at some of the most popular sites on the net like Moz or Huffington post, I am not seeing them having these fields filled out.

Let's take this blog as an example: Tory Senator Tells Truckers To 'Roll Over Every Liberal Left In The Country'

That image has the caption and this alt info:

<img class="image__src" src="[URL]!/format/jpg/quality/85/[/URL]" alt="Sen. David Tkachuk was invited to address a crowd of protestors on Parliament Hill on Feb. 19, 2019.">

So what about the title and description? When i look at an image from Moz like this Moz Blog - SEO and Inbound Marketing Blog - Moz
there isn't any info at all so I am wondering if filling out all those fields might be a waste of time?
Hello guys, regarding proper image optimization for SEO, I am seeing in wordpress that 4 fields needs to be filled out [title, description, alt and caption]. However when I look at some of the most popular sites on the net like Moz or Huffington post, I am not seeing them having these fields filled out.

Let's take this blog as an example: Tory Senator Tells Truckers To 'Roll Over Every Liberal Left In The Country'

That image has the caption and this alt info:

<img class="image__src" src="!/format/jpg/quality/85/" alt="Sen. David Tkachuk was invited to address a crowd of protestors on Parliament Hill on Feb. 19, 2019.">

So what about the title and description? When i look at an image from Moz like this Moz Blog - SEO and Inbound Marketing Blog - Moz
there isn't any info at all so I am wondering if filling out all those fields might be a waste of time?

Hi Mike, optimizing your images is never a waste of time.
1) Image file name should reflect what the image is
2) Image file is best quality without compromising or creating bloat
3) Image complements/supports the page copy
4) Alt text - describe what the image is
5) Title - describe what the image does

Please note that Alt Text is a web accessibility compliance factor. For impaired users dependent upon screen readers or other assistive technologies the image will be translated through language that can be understood.
Also, Title, we only apply it if the image is a link (an action image) which upon mouse hover, will describe what the image does (ie, links to home page)
This is way out of my industry expertise but as a user I would find your file name and supporting information alarming. Any time I see "malware" even if it is supported by "removal tool" it just makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck lol. But I will give it a shot here, and perhaps others in this forum can chime in:

1) URL: Your image file name is far too long. One or two words to describe the image is sufficient.
2) Title: Only use it if it is an action image, an image that one would click on, and if it is an action image describe what happens when you click on it. The title may provide a pop up description for users who have it enabled in their browser.
3) Alt Text: describe what the image is - put what you have in the description field in the Alt Text field and you should be good.

Do a search for Image Optimization to get more insight.
In WordPress, The Alt text, and the Caption (if used), are what will show on the front end of the website. Caption if you want text displayed below the image. Alt text being the most important piece.
The Title and Description are for internal use only on your WordPress media library. Those fields do not carry forward to a live site. There is a 'meta' title like mentioned above, but for the most part that is not needed or useful. But if needed it needs to be added manually to the image code.

The file name is also important but is not part of tghe 4 fields you mentioned, so adjust that before uploading.
I'd add one really important reason to optimize an image is speed. Keeping the resources a server has to deliver as lean as possible is a good habit to get into. This becomes especially important for mobile devices.
In WordPress, The Alt text, and the Caption (if used), are what will show on the front end of the website. Caption if you want text displayed below the image. Alt text being the most important piece.
The Title and Description are for internal use only on your WordPress media library. Those fields do not carry forward to a live site. There is a 'meta' title like mentioned above, but for the most part that is not needed or useful. But if needed it needs to be added manually to the image code.

The file name is also important but is not part of tghe 4 fields you mentioned, so adjust that before uploading.

Thanks. Ok, so looking at my attached image's info. Can you or anyone give me an example of a good file name and alt text just so I will have an idea how to do all of my other images please? You know, teach a man to fish.....

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