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Aug 13, 2015
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I am seeing a lot of 1300 numbers (toll free) numbers these days. Just wondering on group consensus on these vs local numbers?

ie.. Google - SEO Melbourne - two top listings have a 1300 number other has a mobile/cell number.
I have never used a toll free number. I only use local call tracking numbers. A toll free number screams call center. It’s perfectly fine to use a toll free number, I don’t.
Agree with @keyserholiday, with a small exception. I've only had one client use a toll-free number, which was the subject of my original post a few years now. However, I do see in certain cases where it may be beneficial if your audience is 70+ age or if you are a business that services nationally and you want to convey a larger image. IMO, it is always better to use a local number on a GBP as the GBP will typically only show up for local intent searches and when appropriate, use an 800 number on the website if the demographics match but be sure to include it as a secondary number on the GBP.

2 schools of thot here from where I sit...

1.) A random toll free... 8xx-123-4567 doesn't say or spell anything. A big deal though 60+ years ago when it was called a " Wats" line... quite expensive then. But major corps had them.

2.) For our company it was preparation for going larger than Local... (when my grandson take over).
1-800-HydroHot. (800-493-7646). Our toll fee and our domain name are 1 in the same. 1800HydroHot dot com and 1-800-HydroHot number. Just a little thot outside the box... AND we were able to secure texting on our toll free which allows for mobility.
Thank you...
Mr. Ed

2 schools of thot here from where I sit...

1.) A random toll free... 8xx-123-4567 doesn't say or spell anything. A big deal though 60+ years ago when it was called a " Wats" line... quite expensive then. But major corps had them.

2.) For our company it was preparation for going larger than Local... (when my grandson take over).
1-800-HydroHot. (800-493-7646). Our toll fee and our domain name are 1 in the same. 1800HydroHot dot com and 1-800-HydroHot number. Just a little thot outside the box... AND we were able to secure texting on our toll free which allows for mobility.
Thank you...
Mr. Ed

You named your business 1-800 HydroHot and have that domain. This is vastly different from what we are discussing. If I want to call my local BofA branch, I want their direct number. If I need customer service, I will call their toll-free number. Kars for Kids runs commercials in countless markets. I know the jingle by heart, 1 877 kars4kids, the local GBPs have a local number.
From policy point of view, toll vs. non-toll means very little, unless the number was previously associated with spam or scam calls. But that usually only triggers during the lead/business calls rather than affecting rankings. As Jason and Jeff note, it can affect people's willingness to call, but that's usually going to depend on market, industry, business size and even local culture.

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