More threads by shanedrumm

Sep 21, 2016
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I have a client who has a few YouTube videos and I was thinking of hiring someone on Fiverr that promises to get it to page 1 of results. I'm guessing that they might be doing some blackhat tactics to do this but I'm wondering can that affect the actual site?

My theory was if the video is high ranking would appear for more results and could lead to more traffic for the site.

Has anyone used these services and have you any recommendations?

*If this is in the wrong area of the forum please inform me and I will move asap.
All YouTube SEO is more or less "black hat". It involves inflating view numbers, retention rate, likes, comments, etc.

As for it affecting your site, I wouldn't worry about that at all. Either the videos will rank well or crash and burn. Independent of your website.

I might think about whether YouTube Local SEO is worth it or not though. You won't be able to tell until the results come in of course.

Good luck!
All YouTube SEO is more or less "black hat". It involves inflating view numbers, retention rate, likes, comments, etc.

As for it affecting your site, I wouldn't worry about that at all. Either the videos will rank well or crash and burn. Independent of your website.

I might think about whether YouTube Local SEO is worth it or not though. You won't be able to tell until the results come in of course.

Good luck!

Thank's Joshua for confirming what I thought :)

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