Recent content by Chris Barnard

  1. Chris Barnard

    ClickCease alternatives?

    I believe they do...only because I receive their emails.
  2. Chris Barnard

    LSA Ads Not Showing Impressions Despite Active Status – Any Solutions?

    And those cards have available funds in case Google decides to ping them? I'm not saying this to question your finances, I'm saying because sometimes (ex: law) weekly budgets could be set to $100K...and Google could ping the card(s) to determine if it's available to support that budget. A reach...
  3. Chris Barnard

    LSA Ads Not Showing Impressions Despite Active Status – Any Solutions?

    Hey Don, many of us working LSAs have definitely experienced this incredibly frustrating situation. (similar issues here) TL;DR - start in the account, review everything - recent changes, verifications, budget, GBP link, Policy Manager, billing (make sure this CC can handle the weekly budget...
  4. Chris Barnard

    ClickCease alternatives?

    Hey Garrett, I've used ClickCease in the past and it did make me feel warm & fuzzy for a limited time. Now, I don't trust any of it, but I have trust issues lol. Another one I actually liked better (but did same IP blocking...which kinda seems like chasing tails) was PPCProtect, but I think...
  5. Chris Barnard

    Promote GBP Through Display Ads

    Hi Matt, While I'm not entirely sure about using the GBP URL for a campaign, I guess you could see if it gets approved. IMO the better way to leverage the GBP is with the location asset. Use the location asset to add the GBP to your Display campaign(s). "Google Display Network: Your locations...
  6. Chris Barnard

    How to trim services offered? Is this possible?

    Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Lead quality/volume has definitely tanked in the past year or so in my experience, for a lot of accounts in various industries, and especially after the switch to their automated crediting system. Super frustrating to say the least.
  7. Chris Barnard

    Delayed SMS for Text-Based Leads?

    I do know there is somewhat of a bug impacting email lead notifications, so it could be related to text msg notifications as well. First heard about it here, and haven't heard back from support on any resolution...and don't really expect one, it's been "escalated" but I have little faith. Have...
  8. Chris Barnard

    LSA-linking/duplicate GBP

    I've definitely seen GBPs get unlinked from LSAs, even for totally different businesses, in different industries, in entirely different states. So you have 2 GBPs currently? And you are looking to merge or remove the duplicate one?
  9. Chris Barnard

    How to trim services offered? Is this possible?

    Land sales isn't a job type under the Real Estate Agent industry, but it probably could show for land sales searches with the "Other" job type selected. And really, I wouldn't have extreme confidence in your ads not showing for those searches even if that "Other" job type is disabled. So, best...
  10. Chris Barnard

    Bathroom Remodeler Industry Requires General Contractors License

    Keep leads flowing, I see what you did there. I haven't come across this issue yet, but yes, I would submit the plumbing license to see if it passes in order to add those job types. Then if not, I'd bug the business owner to get a GC license to advertise those services on LSA. And use PPC to...
  11. Chris Barnard

    LSA Suspended for Restricted Medical Content

    My frown turned upside down with the first sentence. Here's to a quicker resolution this time!
  12. Chris Barnard

    Linking Service Area Business to Google Ads

    Hey Omer, You are unable to use location extensions/assets if your address is hidden on your GBP. Google ads for a service provider with no location pin worth it? | Paid Search and Local Service Ads But, you can still target the locations you serve with Ads - just not on maps or in the...
  13. Chris Barnard

    Several Local Ads, for the same company?

    Hey Nuro, I'll preface this with the fact that I know zero about LSA policy in Germany. They shouldn't be able to use a single GBP for multiple businesses in different locations, with different names, in the same industry. In the U.S., the business name should exactly match the associated...
  14. Chris Barnard

    Therapy Keywords - Health Advertising

    You would think, right? Let's hope not, I've noticed both appeals processes recently too.
  15. Chris Barnard

    LSA Ads - do you enable ‘Direct Business Search’ setting?

    Hi Gerry, It would be dependent on cost per lead and ROI in the given location/industry. In my opinion, I'd leave it off, and run a PPC brand campaign for a cheaper CPL, since Google doesn't differentiate lead costs of branded vs non-branded. Also, its up to the caller to respond to the...

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