More threads by omer


May 15, 2016
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I would like to know what are you guys suggesting to do if i have 2 locations in the same city.
Would you suggest to create landing page to each location? or there is another way you recommend?
Hi Omer,

Yes, you can have a separate GMB page for each physical business location. And the best practice around location pages in your website is to have a different page, optimized for each location.
Thank you for the clear answer Colan.
Is there any recommendation how to target 2 locations in the same city?
Because the keywords are the same.
Google likely will only rank one of the pages if they are the same business targeting the same categories. Unless there is little to no competition. Of course, with search results being so location of searcher specific, it really just depends.

For GMB, if only one ranks, I would focus most of my optimization efforts on that one.

Again, it really depends on the details.
Colan, does this also apply to SMB's? I thought for some reason you were only supposed to have one GMB page per city if you're a SMB even if you have multiple physical locations? Is this accurate?
Hey Josh, the guidelines allow multiple locations per city. As long as they are legit physical locations. Starbucks is a good example of this.
Hey Josh, the guidelines allow multiple locations per city. As long as they are legit physical locations. Starbucks is a good example of this.

Yikes, I meant to say "SAB's" not "SMB". Apologies!

Does that change anything?
Hi Josh, I thought that's what you meant ;)

Same guideline applies. One listing per physical location. Of course, SAB's will come under heavier scrutiny when trying to verify the second location since it isn't common for an SAB to need multiple physical locations in one city. It comes down to being able to prove that these physical locations are legit, registered business locations.

Let's get a second opinion from Joy just to be safe.
SABs are allowed 1 listing period. The city it's in doesn't matter.

The exception to this is that there are some chains, like Pop-a-Lock, for example where each "location" is independently owned and franchised and they would file taxes seperately and have different owners. This is why you see multi-locations for Pop-a-Lock set up as SABs. This is most definitely the exception.

Also, if an SAB decides to open up a storefront, they are then only allowed 1 listing for the storefront. The home listing would go away at that point (or should).

Thanks for the great insight! I'm actually experiencing this same issue with a friend's website I'm building. Would you be able to provide an example of a site that does this really well?

Thanks a bunch.

A little late to the party with this one, but something we've been exploring lately is optimizing city pages that include all locations within a given city. Instead of trying to optimize just 1 of 3 location pages for that particular city, we have a single city page and point all GMB urls to that page.

Anyone else have experience with this approach or see any potential issues? Our thinking is that a city-level page is a better user experience since they'll be able to see all locations within that city.

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