More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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I know sometimes you have clients that annoy the heck out of you...

But let's flip the tables and discuss what clients find annoying about agencies and consultants, so you can be aware and try to avoid them.

<a href="">5 Things Annoying the Heck out of Your Clients</a>

Some agencies like to complain a lot about how their clients annoy them. But sometimes, they are actually the ones that are being annoying.

Are you guilty of the top five things annoying the heck out of your clients?
The #1 Thing Annoying Your Clients (drumroll please)...

So, NO PEEKING, what do you think #1 is??? (Add your guess below.)

OK now look. Any surprises?

I think this post is geared toward general agencies...

So for LOCAL search, do you see the list being any different?

What do YOU think are some of the other top annoying things according to clients???

I know this post is geared toward consultants, but if you are a business owner, PLEASE weigh in and let us know what annoys you too!

What do you think???
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I think one thing that would really annoy me if I were an SMB SEO client is...

If the consultant was talking over my head and making me feel stupid because I didn't understand all the lingo and how Google Local works.

<a href="">If you Baffle Clients with Bull Hockey & Geek Speak - You should Read This</a>

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