More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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Hey Guys,

I'm very excited to announce that my advanced local SEO training has officially been moved to Wordpress. Formally we were doing it as an e-book but after getting past the 300-page mark, we knew it would be better to move it all online.

We have also taken a lot of feedback into consideration and decided to change the pricing on it! I know a lot of you here already subscribe and if that's the case you should have received an email last week clarifying how the change in pricing impacts you.

The change log and table of contents are kept updated and are public for everyone to see. I spend 4-6 hours a month keeping it updated.

Once you subscribe, you will get access to all the content via a login. We have already enabled comments so subscribers can post questions they have about anything in the training and also plan to add videos as well.

If you have any questions about what's included, please feel free to ask them here or PM me directly.



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