More threads by JoshuaMackens


Local Search Expert
Sep 12, 2012
Reaction score
I'll probably be embarrassed after I get the answer to this question but I haven't used the new adwords preview & diagnostic tool before and the tool is not showing me why an ad might not be showing:


What am I doing wrong here?
@JoshuaMackens, the preview tool may not show your ad for a variety of reasons. There are the obvious possible causes:
  • Checking a term you don't bid on
  • Paused campaign
  • Suspended ads
  • Incorrect geotargeting
  • Bids that are too low
  • etc.
A couple of less-obvious causes I've encountered:
  • Ad scheduling. Let's say your ads don't run from midnight to 5am, and you use the ad preview tool at 12:15am. You won't see your ads in the preview tool, even though they're probably eligible to resume once the clock strikes 5:00.
  • Device preferences. If you bid more for mobile clicks, or if you have a mobile-only campaign or a desktop-only campaign, your ad may show on one device (according to the preview tool) and not on another. Keep in mind: the preview tool shows you a mobile preview by default; be sure to check what it tells you about your ads' visibility on desktop and tablet.
@JoshuaMackens, the preview tool may not show your ad for a variety of reasons. There are the obvious possible causes:
  • Checking a term you don't bid on
  • Paused campaign
  • Suspended ads
  • Incorrect geotargeting
  • Bids that are too low
  • etc.
A couple of less-obvious causes I've encountered:
  • Ad scheduling. Let's say your ads don't run from midnight to 5am, and you use the ad preview tool at 12:15am. You won't see your ads in the preview tool, even though they're probably eligible to resume once the clock strikes 5:00.
  • Device preferences. If you bid more for mobile clicks, or if you have a mobile-only campaign or a desktop-only campaign, your ad may show on one device (according to the preview tool) and not on another. Keep in mind: the preview tool shows you a mobile preview by default; be sure to check what it tells you about your ads' visibility on desktop and tablet.

Thanks buddy. That helps a lot.

I'm surprised they don't just notify you of some of those things.

You saved me a lot of time. Thanks, Phil!
Sure thing, @JoshuaMackens. Yeah, more notifications on certain occasions would be nice. Even when you're in the tool, I have found the "diagnoses" vague at best. I've always wished they called it simply the "Ad Preview" tool.

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