More threads by Oceanmedianow

Mar 28, 2016
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I have reported a PBN i had discovered to Google approx 6 months ago.

This marketing company currently ranks all their clients in the map pack using paid link advertisements on their PBN network. Its very obvious. I am in the process of performing DNS A record traces to identify the IP's of the network.

A simple google search even shows the same content on all their PBN sites. 36 to be exact, when searching a 12 word paragraph from the sites.

What gives? They even state on one of their sites "the following are paid advertisements". do follow used on all sites.

i would really appreciate some advice on how to handle this. I can't understand why Google has not caught this one.

More info can be provided if needed and allowed on this forum. I did not post links for the sake of.

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