More threads by Rich Owings

Rich Owings

Local Search Expert
LocalU Member
Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Ever seen anything like this?

Looking at All Users, data begins to show up in March 2014, but if I add Organic as a segment, I see no traffic (organic or not) until July 2017.

Screen Shot 2018-10-25 at 11.23.11 AM.png
@Rich Owings, I've seen that before. Some Analytics data got wiped out earlier this year, when Google's data-retention settings changed. What you might find in various views in GA is that data older than 26 months is gone.

I don't know of a way to reconstruct the lost data, but there's a setting you can change so that Google keeps data indefinitely, starting today. Here is a good walkthrough: The Google Analytics Setting You Must Change Immediately
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Good catch. Sure enough, when I check the setting, data retention is set to 14 months, and I can't see traffic before Aug. 25, 2017. It's just strange that I can see other, earlier traffic until I display the organic segment.
Ah, I see. And I thought all the GDPR craziness was behind us. Thanks for solving the mystery!

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