More threads by mikepcservice

Can you tell me why you don't like selling on why someone needs your services please?
I'd rather not spend my time convincing someone why they need SEO and work with those that already know the term and have an idea on how it works. We do quite a bit of work as an extension of the marketing arm of a business. They already have their own marketing, but just need SEO help.

If I have to sell someone on why they *need* SEO above all else, they're not going to like our price when I drop that on them :)

Yes I like the "we are not an Agency" idea so I clearly state that.
This has been a huge selling point for us over the past 10 years or so. We had a personable website, changed it to look more agency/corporate for about 18 months and honestly, we didn't like the type of client we were attracting. We changed the website to focus on just myself and Kim (husband & wife) and that brought us back to a level we liked. Sure we were no longer contacted by Union Pacific or the local colleges, but they're not our target client either. Good money, but the wrong environment (for us).
To clarify you mean, I can copy and rewrite the content on your Contact page?

If you can rewrite it as your own story, then sure, have at it. You'll likely find yourself having to do a lot of rewriting, but if it's a starting point for you, feel free to take what you need.
For the different location pages guys, do you use the same focus keyword but only change the location so like? If not, how would you guys do it please? I am thinking maybe using the same focus keyword may not be cannibalizing or is it?

roof repair queens, NY
roof repair Brooklyn, new york
roof repair Manhattan, NYC
For the different location pages guys, do you use the same focus keyword but only change the location so like? If not, how would you guys do it please? I am thinking maybe using the same focus keyword may not be cannibalizing or is it?

For the most part, yes, we would put it similar to how you put it. But at the same time, we're not targeting a specific service on a location page. The location page, for us, is showcasing the location and city/town area, and then the work that is done in that area. The "roofing repair" keyword would have more weight on the individual service page, so it shouldn't really cannibalize by much, if at all.
Thanks, what about creating specific location service pages like SEO for Dentists and another page SEO for plumbers e.t.c in addition to location pages so like one page SEO for Dentists Queens, NYC and another SEO for Dentists Brooklyn and so on or is that overkill or counter-productive?

Or would it better to simply create one page listing all of the services
SEO for Dentists
SEO for Plumbers

e.t.c in like a bullet list format?
Thanks, what about creating specific location service pages like SEO for Dentists and another page SEO for plumbers e.t.c
From my view, it's overkill, but there are others here who have had success with using the various verticals, I've just never done them that way.
One last question please guys. Is it ok to use the same kw and title for each location page

Roofing Repair Brooklyn, NY
Roofing Repair Queens, NY
Roofing Repair Manhattan, NY
Roofing Repair Bronx, NY

or would it be best to mix them up like maybe

Brooklyn, NY roofing repair
Local roofing repair in Queens, NY
Manhattan, NYC Roofing repair
Roofing repair company Bronx, NY

If not then how would YOU guys do it please?
Here is an example of how much business I am getting from my locations pages for one of my clients:


this is 90 days for my client - not bad if you ask me!

I always make sure that I do not have identical (similar, but not identical) content on each locations page. If possible, add local information to each page so it really varies it up. When I build a SAB site, I actually design a "neighborhoods" page that has tons of cool content and infographics as well as ways to get to other pages like galleries, contact, other services, and inventory pages.

Hope this helps.

Wow - looks great for 90 days! Do these have associated GMB profiles linking to them based on locality?
One last question please guys. Is it ok to use the same kw and title for each location page
If not then how would YOU guys do it please?
The title and the meta description have no real impact on SEO rankings themselves, but they do play a part in the conversion process of getting someone to click your listing.

From an SEO perspective, we nearly always use the "Pain - Solution" thought process.

"My knee hurts - Here's an Advil"
"City Pest Control Services - Company Name"
"Roofing Repair - Queens, NY"

Nearly always, we use the pain/solution method when it comes to service-type businesses. People have a problem they need fixing, they don't care about the company that does it (initially).

For the Titles that you have, I think they're fine (both styles). Ultimately, I'd test both versions and see which one drives traffic. Also, check the actual SERP results and see what others are doing. Then decide if you should do it the same way, or something different so your listing stands out.

For example, when I search "Brooklyn, NY roofing repair", each of the results is putting "roofing" first in their title - I'd test bucking the trend and put "Brooklyn, NY" first and see how that looks. Nobody on page one is using ALL CAPS either, so what happens if you put "BROOKLYN, NY Roof Repair & Roofing Contractors". It's all about testing at that stage.
I don't know about location pages now guys. Just having multiple pages with the basically the same re-written content it looks kinda spammy to me. Might be worthwhile to help rankings on google but from a visitor's view doesn't look good to me?

There has to be a better way somehow. I come across many sites without location pages who are ranking in my area.
I don't know about location pages now guys. Just having multiple pages with the basically the same re-written content it looks kinda spammy to me. Might be worthwhile to help rankings on google but from a visitor's view doesn't look good to me?

My advice would be to remove emotions from the equation and let the data guide you. The only way to do that is to build a few pages, measure the performance and assess. Did they drive traffic? Great. Was it local traffic? Even better. Did they drive any conversions? Go baby go! Build some more.
I didn't;t realize I was bring "emotions" into this, thanks for pointing this out. I think it might be this that's bothering me "I come across many sites without location pages who are ranking in my area."
You may or may not be, it just sounded like you were stuck on what your "gut" was telling you. There is a place for the gut in SEO, my point is just that, at least for us, we like to prioritize data over what we think or feel about a particular tactic.
Well put I think but let's explore this for a minute. Why does Google rank a business in another area ahead of a business in my area without location pages of any sort?
Well put I think but let's explore this for a minute. Why does Google rank a business in another area ahead of a business in my area?

Stronger signals. They aren't ranking the business per se, they are ranking a page on their website (if we are talking about localized organic results). So they likely have links local to that area, or a ton of content related to that area that is internally linked well. Maybe they were featured in a local news article or did a sponsorship.
Stronger signals. They aren't ranking the business per se, they are ranking a page on their website (if we are talking about localized organic results). So they likely have links local to that area, or a ton of content related to that area that is internally linked well. Maybe they were featured in a local news article or did a sponsorship.

You mean one strong possibility might be they are using backlinks with the targeted location in them so you would do one backlink with the description targeting Queens and another backlink targeting Brooklyn and so on?
Yes, that, or they may have links from local outlets/businesses that are located in Queens, Brooklyn .. etc

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