More threads by DaveW


Jan 13, 2014
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I am curious if anyone has seen better success with investing more time in blogging or in building out location pages. We list the areas we cover, but also build five unique location pages. So if both location pages and blog posts are keyword optimized, which do you recommend investing more time in?

How I would measure success is by number of phone and form leads generated. Traffic is important but I am more concerned in the right traffic that will convert. Thanks in advance for your comments!
Hey again Dave. I have also wondered when you have the resources to write where the most return on your investment comes from.
Our business is in Portland, OR- but we work in all the suburbs as well. I have location pages and blog posts related to the suburbs that really matter to us. I have found that several of the blog posts actually rank higher than the location pages. For example, I have one post that sits at 2-3 on Page 1 for [Suburb + Landscaper]. It has for about 2 years. The location page for that suburb is buried 6 pages deep. Go figure...

My intention, though, is that the two work together. If I had limited time I would probably just do them as blog posts, since that kills 2 birds w/ one stone for me.

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