More threads by seoWest

Aug 15, 2013
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One of my clients inadvertently established a brand page. I realize (thanks to Mr. Blumenthal), you can now connect a brand page to a verified local page. However, in this case, there is no local page yet, so I am wondering... do I create and verify the local page first OR is there can the brand page be converted to a local page then verified?
Hi Dino,

You would need to create the Local page first. The reason for that is because with this process you are essentially transplanting the local heart of the local page to the brand page.

If the brand page isn't very established and the client doesn't really need it, I would just delete it and create the local G+ page. No need to perform the surgery :p
Hey Colan,

Good to hear from you!

That makes perfect sense. I will likely opt for the delete route, as the brand page is definitely not established.

Thanks for confirming what I only "suspected." :)

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