More threads by Justin Mosebach

Justin Mosebach

Local Search Expert
LocalU Member
Oct 22, 2018
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"The integration also allows for a clean separation between GMB and other organic traffic within CallRail’s reporting."

"The integration even lets you keep your main business line as a secondary number to maintain NAP consistency."

"Any standard feature that can be applied to any other CallRail number can now apply to your GMB traffic, such as free call recording and notifications, caller contact information, and a record of your customer’s history of interacting with your business across other channels."

...and no, I'm not a paid spokesperson :D
The only thing I would caution about is that the amount of minutes charged to the customer's CallRail account could dramatically increase. So, just be prepared for that.
We weren't able to get one for Atlanta but we try to get them to come to as many of our events as possible so ones later in the year will hopefully have them.

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