More threads by Lizzie.L


Oct 9, 2019
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I have an issue with a client's address. Our team was shipping a parcel for the holidays and we found the last 3 digits of the postal code didn't match even though the entire address was correct. When we check Google Maps to update the client's postal code, Google Maps doesn't even register the updated postal code as existing, but Canada Post does.

My question: If the postal code in Google Maps is showing the correct address but it's not using the TRUE Canada Post postal code, would this affect local rank in any way?
I had this happen several years ago with a client. For Maps, I let Google have it their way but the client repeatedly contacted Google to tell them they were wrong, were ignored several times, but finally prevailed and Google fixed it. Maybe Google had to wait until their postal codes source was updated, I don't know, although you'd think that Canada Post would be the authoritative resource for postal codes.
I had this happen several years ago with a client. For Maps, I let Google have it their way but the client repeatedly contacted Google to tell them they were wrong, were ignored several times, but finally prevailed and Google fixed it. Maybe they had to wait until their postal codes source was updates, I don't know, although you'd think that Canada Post would be the authoritative resource for postal codes.

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! It is unfortunate since a correct and consistent N.A.P is so important for citations.
Yes but if the only discrepancy is postal code I doubt that there's much risk.

I think Google may have taken the old Burger King jingle too seriously ("Have it YOUR way"). If they insist on revising Canada's postal codes, who am I to tell them they can't do that? :)
Yes but if the only discrepancy is postal code I doubt that there's much risk.

I think Google may have taken the old Burger King jingle too seriously ("Have it YOUR way"). If they insist on revising Canada's postal codes, who am I to tell them they can't do that? :)

That's very true!

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