More threads by grizfan


Oct 18, 2024
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I'm helping a friend with her Google Business Profile, which is a big mess. She has 2 now, for the same business, but at different locations. A bit of history; she was planning to move her cafe to a new city. She closed the original location, and updated the address to match the one in the new city. But, before she could finish opening the new location, the lease fell through and she had to shut her business for a few months. Recently, she was able to secure a new lease a few blocks from the earlier location and finally opened there. But her GBP was suspended for some reason, and she got frustrated and set up a new GBP for the same business at her current location.
At this point, she was starting to build up a good profile on the new GBP, and simply wanted her old one to go away. She wasn't interested in keeping the reviews or photos, she just wanted people to find her correct location.
So, I tried to help her by following the instructions on How to remove a Business Profile - Google Business Profile Help in an attempt to delete the old, incorrect profile. I was a delegate to manage her profiles, so I submitted the request for her. Now, the "problem" profile no longer shows up in my Google Business Profile Manager, but unfortunately, the old/incorrect listing still shows up a couple weeks later. And when you search Google Maps for her business name, the old list shows up first, and still shows as open?

At this point, I'm at my wit's end trying to help her. She's focused on getting her cafe up and operational, and something as simple as deleting an old, inaccurate business profile is proving to be impossible, and it is harming her business since the old address version always shows up instead of the correct version on Google Maps. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
So there are 2 live listings for her business on maps right now, one at the old address and one at the new address? Is the old address listing unclaimed (aka unverified)? Also, are they the same business name?

If the new profile is verified, and you have access, you should be able to contact support and ask them to mark the old profile as "moved" to the new address. See if that works.

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