More threads by AndySimpson


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Apr 6, 2016
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okay, this just happened to me twice within a few hours 👇

I've been checking client brand name searches just to make sure all looks in order and while doing so I saw "claim this knowledge panel", because I seem to always have my GMB head on, I thought it was just a strange looking stray GMB listing that was "out there" which I had missed.

So I hit claim, it (big G) said use GSC to claim listing, I was already in the correct account, so I verified and boom, the knowledge panel was claimed. Still in my GMB mind frame I went to our main GMB client listing expecting to see a duplicate listing, but nothing, now "new" listing, nothing. Oh well I thought, just GMB doing it's usual weird thing again 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, a few clients later, the same thing happened, a "claim this knowledge panel", this time I paid more attention. So, Google has created a KP for my client, cool, claimed it in the same way above, using GSC, and now I can edit using the account I used to verify the KP with.

So, what was I doing?

I was doing a brand search for my clients with NO geo, if I use the geo the associated GMB listing would appear, no geo and I got lucky with these two, multi location, clients.

Worth sharing and seeing if any of you get lucky with this.

btw the only problem now is, the knowledge panels produced have no utm code on the website url so I won't be able to track what traffic comes from the KP, as you can with a GMB listing.

Sorry I can't share any screenshots due to client confidentiality, etc but not much to share.

Anyway, let me know if you get lucky trying the same method, not exactly sure if this is "new" but I brand search my clients often and have not seen this before.


Andy aka "The gif Guy" :sneaky:
Hey Andy,

I believe this is both new and intended.
We started seeing this on GatherUp almost 4 weeks ago now. It would appear that Google has expanded their source for Brands beyond wikipeidia and freebase.

The question now is how to get it to merge with the Local KP ... with our without geo modified
We started seeing this on GatherUp almost 4 weeks ago now

Thanks Mike, good to know, were they all multi location brands and was there any other way of triggering the KP? Basically, any other insights you may have found? Cheers

...and wishing you well!

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