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Feb 6, 2016
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I have a client who has a business at an address. It does services like x, y and z. He's also been doing a and b services, which are adjecent-esque services to his primary business. But now he wants to create a separate business around services A and B - a business with a different name and separate GBP listing with the same address, phone number and website. Seems like a disaster and highly unconventional but since I can't talk to the client directly - I can only speak w/ the agency owners who are interfacing w the client - but the client seems totally dedicated to this approach. Are there ways to avert disaster here? Or mitigate things like filtering, verification issues, and suspensions?
I doubt they will even be able to get it to go live. It will probably not pass video verification unless there is clear signage for both businesses separately. The same phone number and website also means it will likely get flagged as a duplicate.
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I have a client who has this. Two businesses one building, two websites, two phone numbers, 2 GBPs. Clear signage.

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