More threads by Collin


Jan 14, 2021
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We have managed to merge two GMB profiles for our client, and now we need to take the next step with the duplicate profile.

What exactly is the difference between "Delete this listing" and "Remove listing?" (screenshot attached)

Surely one removes the listing from GMB and the other removes us as the owners of the GMB profile.

Any insight would be great!


@JoyHawkins @BenFisher

local forum question.png
Hey Collin!

There is no difference. "Remove listing" is a general option on all listings, while the option "Delete This Listing" is only available because of the duplication problem. Both of them will work if you want to remove/delete the listing.
Hi Tim,

Thank you for your feedback.

I have officially "Closed the Business" and then deleted the profile. As you mentioned, Deleting the Listing and Removing the Listing appeared to provide the same path (i.e. they were the same thing in the end).

Thanks again!

I recently took on a client that has 2 listing and neither are claimed. One is at the correct address and one is at a wrong address.

What would be the best practice at this time for such a situation?

The OP indicates listings can still be merged but I haven't seen that done in a while. Is that still an option?

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