More threads by Caleb


Nov 10, 2015
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Why do I feel like I'm signing my own death certificate by deleting a duplicate listing in my account? I have two identical listings for one store location and I want to delete one from our account. I'm 6 or 7 steps/screens into the deletion agreement and it's getting worse not better. I being asked to confirm that I want to completely delete the "account" and probably agreeing to the death penalty or something? Is this normal? Do I really have to do all this to delete a duplicate? Do I need an attorney or a priest or ask for prayers?


I feel like Amanda Knox.

Yeah, I have no idea why Google's warning message when deleting a business profile is so scary. All it's missing is the skull and crossbones, and maybe a background recording of Vincent Price whispering about all the horrible things that will happen to you when you click 'yes'.

Yes this is normal. The Google account it's talking about isn't the account you're logging in with, it's just talking about all the information associated with the listing you're deleting, so you can safely proceed. The only caveat, don't delete duplicate listings if it's already verified. Once it's in the system, deleting it will just unverify the listing, it won't remove it. If you've got a live listing you need removed, you'll need to message Twitter support instead.
Thanks James. I went through the delete and I'm still alive. I appreciate your input.
Hahaha James I'm going to quote your answer next time I'm asked this.

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