More threads by ValerieM

Oct 10, 2013
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Hello All,

Im in a quandry. I have a client (floor coating contractor) who has a secondary G+ page that is misspelled, mis-categorized (as flooring company); is missing an address but is showing an incorrect zipcode, but the phone number is correct and it ranks high in the maps

I tried deleting it months ago by contacting Google but it still remains. Since it ranks high and has the correct phone number, I am not sure if I should contact Google again to remove it.

Your thoughts?

Thank you!
Recently it seems like twitter requests may work well for problems like this, from what Joy Hawkins and others have said. Try tweeting to @googleSmallBiz
No, its not verified and yes- I could tweet Google to fix it but does it make sense to do so since the ranking it has it good? Thats my question - should I or shouldnt I delete it?? When they delete it, wont I lose this great ranking status???? Keep in mind that this "dup" has the correct phone number on it so could be generating calls

I might try to claim it and see what I can do about merging it with my actual listing.

If you think it is driving calls, then I might consider leaving it (no guarantee that ranking stays w/ merge).

It is really hard to advise you on what you should do without knowing what terms (volume-wise) it is showing up for (and where #metro) vs where your actual listing is showing up relevant in the local pack (and where #metro).

You may be keeping your real listing from performing. I'd also chase down that incorrect information on that listing to see if it is seeding from a source upstream (not to mention it may be seeding bad-data for the business).
Thank Heckler. I wish I could tell if this dup was driving business but have no way of knowing. Im just guessing right.
You brought up something interesting that is new to me! What is the best way to "chase down that incorrect information on that listing to see if it is seeding from a source upstream (not to mention it may be seeding bad-data for the business)."?
I'd take the bad listing and do variations of search using its name, address, phone, etc. Another thing you can do is look at the listing itself in the local finder (under the last section 'web results') to find where Google is citing data for the listing (<- good place to start).

Use the advanced search operators to find stuff. For instance, if you're searching the address add a negative operator for the brand just to see if anything else is at that address. Modify your searches based on what you find (and keep a list of things that may need to be fixed).

Ex. 123 Street ABC Austin TX -"business name"

Try a handful of searches, note what domains are appearing and to further refine, append "" to limit to the specific site you're digging through. I know you said it has wrong categories, I'd keep a look out for those bad categories on other citations.

I wish I could tell if this dup was driving business but have no way of knowing. Im just guessing right.

You can get a good idea of the value of that ranking by looking at the search volume for the terms you've found it in the 3-pack by using the keyword planner. I personally would destroy that dupe, but I'm a purest.
Don't claim it. You mentioned it's missing an address which makes me think it's an SAB set-up (hidden address). If you are noticing an incorrect zip code the address that is hidden probably doesn't match the address that you're currently using which is why support may have told you they can't merge.

You should search on Google for business name + wrong zip (the one you're seeing) to see if you can find the address on any other sites where it's not hidden and then ask the client what the address is (an old home address, virtual office etc). My advice on getting rid of it will depend on what your client tells you it is.
You can actually call Google. We've done it for our clients and the usually get it sorted out while on the phone.

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