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Feb 6, 2016
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I'm almost embarassed to post this here as I believe I've already posted something about this, Joy has seen it and actually responded to me on Twitter, I've sent...not countless, but more than I can remember posts to GBP forum, multiple phone calls, failed video attempts, emails back and forth w/ Google etc. And still, no resolution to what seems like a 1st grade level problem. Two listings. One restaurant. One of those restaurants closed YEARS ago. Google simply won't tag it as PERM CLOSED. So why don't we? We can't claim the listing - old phone number. So we try to video claim it. Won't work. We've tried multiple times. So we're kind of stuck. It's super frustrating because it almost seems like an inside baseball, if you're part of our clique or if we know you from conferences or otherewise like you, we'll get back to you but eehhhhhh, if we don't we're just going to leave you hanging w/ NO response, NO indication as to what you're doing wrong, or a massively generalized response like oh sorry, but yeahhhhh, we're not gonna do that. We'd do back flips, change our name, eat cow dung...we'd do pretty much anything reasonable or otherwise to get this duplicate removed. I don't think I've been rude about this. Doing my best to walk on egg shells and be a good little boy about it. And we just continue to get borderline passive aggressive responses back - "we know this must be frustrating for you, but we believe we've answered your question in the email we encourage you to reference." The email simply states our team will look at this and review it and won't get back to you but will make a decision on their own. You'd think oh, wow, I'm sure they'll see from the multiple articles I've sent them that such and such restaurant CLOSED YEARS AGO and that Yelp has it designated as PERM CLOSED etc etc that yeah, we can be reasonable here and see that the restaurant in question is closed. That's obvious. We can see that. So why won't they...close it? What is it we're doing wrong? The two businesses in question have similar names - that's the only thing I can imagine - but the owners want to keep QUEEN CITY as part of the addendum to the name - its a reference to Seattle and a historical building they're in. So, sorry for the rant, but honestly, this just seems....rigged isn't the exact right word, but something close to it.

Happy to send details

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