More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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<img src="" alt="videomarketing" width="55%" />​

Google LOVES video as you all know, yet I don't hear it talked about much in local. I've gotten bitten hard by the video marketing bug lately, so I've been doing a bunch of research about local video and the power it has to boost rankings.

There are several ways video can give you the edge over the competition, boost ranking & CTR.
But here is the most obvious. Which listing do you think will get the 1st click?

<a href=""><img src="" alt="dentalVideoSERP" width="55%"/></a>​

I'll be sharing tips and tools, as well as great posts I find. Here are 2 recent good ones to kick things off.

<a href="">3 ways small businesses can use video marketing</a>

Video marketing is exploding in popularity, and with good reason: According to a report from Vidyard, <a href="" target="_blank">more than 70% of marketers say</a> that video produces conversions better than any other type of content. Additionally, an Animoto survey last year showed that <a href="" target="_blank">73% of U.S. adults are more likely</a> to make a purchase after watching an online video explaining a product or service.

Today, individuals are competing with businesses in the race to get the public's attention — and the individuals are winning. If you put the personality that drives your business front and center, you have the opportunity to get people as excited about your business as you are.

<a href="">How to Rank a YouTube Video - SEMrush Blog</a>

In the digital era, few sites are more powerful than YouTube. As the number one video site, second-most popular search engine and third-most trafficked website on the entire Internet, YouTube is the place to be.

Smart business owners know that they can connect with current and potential customers by creating engaging and informative YouTube videos. Creating great video content is just the first step, though.

How can you make sure your hard work pays off and your videos rank high on Google and YouTube?

If you are into local marketing video for your own business or for clients,
be sure to also see this major round up of video resources I posted last year:

<a href="">Hardcore Video SEO Resources with a Local Search Emphasis</a>

Plus there is lots more at our <a href="">Local Business Video Marketing</a> forum.

Are you doing any video marketing right now?

Use any cool video production tools or video SEO tricks?

Please share below!

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