More threads by RikerJones

Feb 6, 2018
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As you know, the #1 factor in local search rank is how close your business is to the person doing the search. Until now, it's been very hard to visually see how your business ranks in various locations.

That's why we've asked Yan Gilbert to join us for this Friday's free webinar. Yan is the founder of Local Falcon, a new tool that actually overlays your business ranking directly on a map.

Yan Gilbert will join Local Marketing Institute this week to demonstrate this innovative GMB tool for both local business owners and agencies. He will show you how to use Local Falcon to:

- Better understand how distance affects the rankings of your GMB listing.
- Learn to use the tool to find your strongest competitors on Google Maps.
- Scan rankings of multi-location businesses in one scan.
- Easily find areas where your listing is not ranking well to help focus SEO efforts.
- Use the tool to find fake or duplicate listings that may be affecting your rankings.
- Discover how Local Falcon scans are a great sales support tool

Register now for free

If anyone has any questions ahead of time, feel free to post them here and I will try to cover them.
Perfect timing. I was just reading a recommendation from @Phil Rozek and had put this on my list of tools to check out last night. Looking forward to the webinar.
Highly recommended! If you do local SEO this tool is a must-have, no better way to check your rankings across a city. Zip code rankings are not even remotely comparable, plus the competitor knowledge is fantastic for spam fighting. If you haven't tried this tool you are missing out!

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