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Sep 13, 2018
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Mike Blumenthal noticed that the "Get Online Care" link that is populated in the back end of GMB is now showing live for some healthcare listings on Mobile in the US.
get online care.jpg

This is great news for those that need to see a doctor but don't want to travel into a clinic, or for doctors that can offer care but not "in person." The downfall is that many of these recent COVID-19 additions are only visible on mobile, and that leaves out a significant population of at-risk individuals who don't shop or research on their phones. Hopefully, they cure these oversights soon.

If you manage a healthcare business - make sure there's a virtual care page on the website AND that it's populated with a link.

We're also seeing a new "Attribute" under the "About" tab indicating that "Video Visits" are available as an offering. Make sure that attribute is added to your GMB as well if it's appropriate!
@JoyHawkins @CarrieHill Has there been any update to this for desktop/laptop knowledge panels?

We just spoke to our client and they want to know when/if this will show on laptop/PC's since alot of their traffic is now not coming from mobile.

Thank you!
@JoyHawkins @CarrieHill Has there been any update to this for desktop/laptop knowledge panels?

We just spoke to our client and they want to know when/if this will show on laptop/PC's since alot of their traffic is now not coming from mobile.

Thank you!
Hi @sarmcl

Google is notoriously VERY focused on mobile. We've not when (or even IF) they plan to roll this out to desktop. It's not something I'd even say "might come soon" because my guess is it's a low priority for them.

I feel it's an oversight - but they certainly don't feel the same way.

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