More threads by Jim Froling

Jul 19, 2012
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The new GMB Agency Dashboard was released this morning. Is anyone else having trouble signing onto this?

It first asks for my agency's website plus this little caveat "You’ll need to use a Google account that's associated with your company's email (and doesn't currently own or manage locations)". OK, no problem. Next...

Now it tells me that I'm currently logged on under my agency's Gmail account and that I must sign in with an email address on my agency's domain. I can Change Account or Create New Account.

When I Change Account using my email address on my domain it sends me back to the previous screen saying I'm logged in under my Gmail ID, still. :confused:

OK, I'll create a New Account. I put in my name, email address on, password and it tells me that that username is already taken, try another. Errr....:cool:

OK, OK. So I used another email address on my domain that I only use with contact forms on websites when I suspect that I'm going to be bombarded with spam.

Same result. That username is already taken, try another. :mad:

What am I missing here?:confused:
Re: GMB "Agency Dashboard"

I think it's pretty confusing too, Jim.

What's really frustrating too is that you can't just migrate your existing account to the new format. Arrgghh.
Re: GMB "Agency Dashboard"

That seems to be the sentiment amongst a lot of people. No way to do that without basically starting over. :mad:
Re: GMB "Agency Dashboard"

Thanks for raising Jim and for replies Tim and Scott.

Sounds pretty frustrating! I haven't had time to look into it yet but will try to and let you know if I find out anything helpful.
Re: GMB "Agency Dashboard"

Our team celebrated when we saw all of the features but we got brick-walled at the same point you did. We were also hoping there would be an easy way to migrate clients but it looks like that's off the table.

Thanks for the updates everyone!
New Agency Account/Dashboard Transition


I know this is brand new but I have successfully set up a new agency account (as per the new apparatus Google has provided). I’m having a little trouble transitioning each individual GMB account into this new, consolidated agency dashboard. There are instructions on how to do so (involving a 10 digit agency code) and I’ve tried adding the 1st one as a user and/or owner but with no success. Any “go to” on this new dashboard as far as transitioning existing individual GMB accounts into this nice, new one consolidated platform Google just rolled out?

Something about an "opt in"??
Re: New Agency Account/Dashboard Transition

Hi JR,

I moved your new post into the existing thread about the new dashboard cuz others are having different but related problems, so see above for other potential gotchas.

Plus this is the thread I'll be reporting to Google and using to try to get some answers, since there are a couple different problems or points of confusion.
Re: New Agency Account/Dashboard Transition

FYI, also promoted this thread to the Google Local IMPORTANT forum
(I'm the only one that can post in that one, which is reserved for important stuff)

So Jim, you started a good one! :)
Re: New Agency Account/Dashboard Transition

Thanks for kicking it up the ladder Linda. It's too bad that this new tool is virtually useless.
I experienced at the beginning the same issue as described by others here.

But I then started from scratch in an incignito tab of Chrome with this few steps:
1# I logged in to my (previously created) GoogleAccount (Note:this GoogleAccount was/is based on a business domain mail address of ny business domain).
2# then enteredin th same browser tab and got the question "what is your agency's website?" -> entering it.
3# got now the question: "Confirm that this is the account you want to use to register your agency " (added by the information using what account I'm actually logged in) -> pressed the button "Confirm"
4# got then

<c-wiz jsrenderer="VALQi" class="ao3qqf" jsdata="deferred-i1" data-p="%.@.""]" jscontroller="b0k94c" jsaction="AHO8zf:zGm0Fc;rcZSvf:wPA6qc;" data-node-index="0;0" jsmodel="hc6Ubd" style="contain: layout style;">Congratulations
Thanks for registering your agency. You can now manage all your locations under one account and enjoy perks, like easier account management and access to support that’s designed for agencies’ needs.

</c-wiz><c-wiz jsrenderer="KMSAEd" jsshadow="" jsdata="deferred-i2" data-p="%.@.]" jscontroller="dqhUpb" jsaction="rcuQ6b:gGvV0b;GUyet:AzG9ac;" data-node-index="0;0" jsmodel="hc6Ubd KTm1yc" style="contain: layout style;"></c-wiz>


<c-wiz jsrenderer="KMSAEd" jsshadow="" jsdata="deferred-i2" data-p="%.@.]" jscontroller="dqhUpb" jsaction="rcuQ6b:gGvV0b;GUyet:AzG9ac;" data-node-index="0;0" jsmodel="hc6Ubd KTm1yc" style="contain: layout style;"></c-wiz>

after a clicked "get started" I'm "in my agency dashboard" and it looks as linked here

Hint: in the browsers addressbar I got the link for further referencing my agency's dahsboard.
Its in my case this URL: Google My Business
But it works of course only if again signed in to my initionally mentioned "business domain account"
(in case I'm signed in to any otherGoogleAccount it will redirected to the Standard GMB dashboard of this GoogleAccount)

Hope this helps anybody
Thanks so much for sharing that info Ehg.

Hopefully Google sees my post where I escalated this thread and makes things a little more workable.
Re: New Agency Account/Dashboard Transition

Thanx as always Linda!
Thanks for your experience ehg. But this is about as convoluted as anything I've ever seen. Transitioning your existing accounts should not involve the "hoops and rings" we've all noted here. This may have been rolled out too soon...I will await some definitive step-by-step on simply getting each GMB acct migrated into this new platform/dash.
I manage nearly 100 GMB accounts from a "generic" gmail address that I set up years ago. Obviously, that's not an email address associated with my domain. I'm not an "owner" of them all so it would be difficult to transition them to a different email address.

In my current dashboard, I do have the ability to create location groups but I wasn't able to transfer the 3 GMB locations to that group because it asked me to check my permissions.
Wanted to be sure to share all the problems Joy has discovered - in Tweets.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Part 2:<br>- I get 4 email alerts for every location I transfer over.<br>- The client also gets these 4 emails and wonders what is going on<br>- You lose the GMB dashboard in search (my fav)<br>- You see a list of invitations you've sent but can't filter the ones outstanding.</p>— Joy Hawkins (@JoyanneHawkins) <a href="">June 13, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Part 4:<br>-The first person to accept the request has success but since it goes to every owner on the listing, the rest of them get a 404 error when they click. More client emails & explanations when ppl are confused.<br>- Did I mention moving them over makes you the primary owner?</p>— Joy Hawkins (@JoyanneHawkins) <a href="">June 13, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

How fun is this??? :rolleyes:
It's sad that we actually want to use this, but SHE makes it so difficult that it's not even worth the effort in its current state. :mad:
I can only speak for myself and my little firm, but for us, at least, we are waiting to make any changes in this regard. It seems like a complete waste of time right now, in its current state.
I spoke to Mike Blum. last week. He stated is was just easier to get on a call to share for his "2 cents" on this issue...

Our Conclusion: Transitioning existing GMB accounts to this new newfangled thing was "reinventing the wheel".....
I manage over 800 GMB listings. I am running the full gambit of issues. You can't add a user if they manage a location(s). I had requests for access get sent to a different business. Some of the users were downgraded to a manager, while other keep their settings as owner. Yesterday, I couldn't accept updates, add or remove locations. I wish Google allowed a seamless integration from one account to another. I know once the agency account is up and running it will work that way, but setting up is a pain.
Yeah if you haven't started - don't bother. I feel the cons well out-weigh the pros right now.

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