More threads by Vick


Jul 12, 2015
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Having an issue with a few videos.

The description from G Search results is displaying different information that what it really is. Specifically a phone number from a competitor.

You can view the video by searching google / videos and the term "water damage restoration oklahoma city".

Our video is the animation with a cartoon construction worker.

If you look in the description on the search results the phone number 405-two9two-4980 <-- replace two with 2, is in the description.

This belongs to a company with have nothing to do with.

You can see the youtube description by seeing the "show more" on the video youtube page.

I found some information on "Google Conditional Hack" but it mostly pertains to websites being compromised.

This has me baffled as it has hacked the description from youtube.

Any ideas about fixing this as well as preventing further issues?

Hey Vick,

It's nothing they are doing to hack anything - don't worry. When Google cached that video (Water Damage Restoration Oklahoma City - YouTube) they didn't really read anything on the page other than the title and the other videos titles that appeared under the "up next" column. Since your competitor also had a video targeting that same keyword, Google picked up their title and put it down as the "content" for your YouTube video.

Clearly that's not desirable so I would suggest you add more content to the video that Google can crawl. Add a really long description and maybe transcribe the video as well.


Thanks for the response..

Chaanged / added more to the description.

Manually added the transcript in as well as turned on Closed Caption with the new transcript.

Added transcript in description.

May I ask,

Is there a way to getr the YT Url re-indexed faster other than waiting on G to do it on it's own?

Thank you much,

Thanks to Joy..!

My description is displaying my phone number/yt description.

What I did:

1. Manually added the transcript

2. Set up Closed caption and forced it by adding "yt:cc=on" as a tag. "Added SEO boost".

3. Added more copy to the description.

4. Added the transcript to the copy.

5. Pinged the youtube urls - Both the Main and the share.

I have dropped a position but I am sure that I will rank #1 for video on my term(s) shortly.

So definitely, if your video is pulling description from another video, try the above. worked for me in under 36 hours.

Thanks again,


Awesome to hear. Thanks for updating us!

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