More threads by HikingMike


May 6, 2021
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It seems like Google is fine with UPS Store and PO Box style listings, in contradiction to their policy. I'd be interested to hear what you have heard about this kind of thing lately, from Google or product experts. I'm just coming back to look at this again.

I recently made several attempts to mark a listing as "doesn't exist".

The first listing I edited had the address of a UPS Store. I did this with two different Google accounts, both with good edit history and are Local Guides. I added photos both times showing the UPS Store signage, address number, and the whole building. The change was immediately "not accepted".

I made another attempt for another listing, this time it wasn't a UPS Store but a completely different business. All signage was for the different business. It was in a different place so I used Street View imagery. Same result here - not accepted.

So I don't really know what else I could do in those edits to make it clear. I have also used the Business Redressal Form a bunch of times in the past with no luck.
Capture01b - changes denied.PNG

Capture03b - changes denied.jpg Capture02 - changes denied.PNG
It's possible that Google Ads have something to do with this. They are running ads and perhaps Google immediately rejects any edits, or at least "doesn't exist" edits, for listings associated with ads.

The businesses in this industry have very few real locations - just one or single digits, but provide service to people all over. So it's not so much "spam" to have these listings as it is a tremendous competitive advantage. It makes them appear far more often and prominently in search and maps with potentially many listings in every metro area. If I looked and counted, I would probably find they have hundreds of false listings like these. Do you know a way to show all listings when zoomed out on the map? It definitely limits the number when zoomed out, as I see more appear when I zoom in.

They presumably get more business from that huge visibility, and Google gets more money from the ads. The people that lose out are the ones that play by the rules.

Can anyone confirm if they run ads, does that mean they have some impunity with the rules for listings?
@HikingMike, you should be able to get Google to take down any profiles that are based at a PO Box in a UPS store.

I recommend that you try the redressal form again. If it doesn't work, try a second time.

If that doesn't work, create a post in the community forum and include the two case IDs from your redressals and your proof.

A short, compelling description of the situation should convince a Product Expert to escalate the case and that is, IMO, your best shot at having the listing removed.
@HikingMike, you should be able to get Google to take down any profiles that are based at a PO Box in a UPS store.

I recommend that you try the redressal form again. If it doesn't work, try a second time.

If that doesn't work, create a post in the community forum and include the two case IDs from your redressals and your proof.

A short, compelling description of the situation should convince a Product Expert to escalate the case and that is, IMO, your best shot at having the listing removed.

Thank you Stefan. Alright, I will try the redressal form for this one and we'll see how it goes!

Do you know what I should put in for the field titled "Name of the entity or organization that is getting impacted. *"? I imagine that this language would make more sense for fake reviews, incorrect information added, or incorrectly moved markers.
It's common for suspension-type edits on verified profiles to be instantly rejected. it's probably not unique to UPS boxes.
@HikingMike - Sorry for the delay. I missed your question.

I'm not exactly sure what Google wants to see in that field! I usually put in the name of the business I'm reporting.
I recommend that you try the redressal form again. If it doesn't work, try a second time.

If that doesn't work, create a post in the community forum and include the two case IDs from your redressals and your proof.

It has been about 2.5 weeks now since I submitted the redressal form and I haven't seen any further email from Google. And the listing is still there. How long should I wait before submitting it again?
Hi, could you try marking it as a duplicate? If they have other locations it's possible that google would show another location when you click mark as duplicate and you can get rid of it that way.
Hi, could you try marking it as a duplicate? If they have other locations it's possible that google would show another location when you click mark as duplicate and you can get rid of it that way.

Thanks for the reply. That doesn't seem like the right thing to do. But I gave it a shot anyway since the straightforward method didn't work and I'm just trying to figure out how things work here.

This edit was also immediately denied. They did send me an email saying -

Your place edit is being checked
We're checking your edit
Thanks for sharing your knowledge of ...
Edited Oct 11, 2024 · Pending
Edits are checked for accuracy by our moderation system before being published. Timelines can vary.
You can track the status of your edit anytime in Edits.
I got one last time too.

However when I go to My Contributions and look under Edits, I see that it was denied already. So marking it as a duplicate appears to be the same situation.

Here are some screenshots.

2024-10-11 mark-as-duplicate01.jpg

2024-10-11 mark-as-duplicate02.jpg

2024-10-11 mark-as-duplicate03.jpg

2024-10-11 mark-as-duplicate04.jpg

Not true, Google. I didn't get an email after review last time so I bet I won't get an email this time.

Here's an email that I made an edit.

2024-10-11 mark-as-duplicate05.jpg

And here's how it shows up in My Contributions. The ones from September look the same way still, so this appears to be the end of the road.

2024-10-11 mark-as-duplicate06.PNG
It has been about 2.5 weeks now since I submitted the redressal form and I haven't seen any further email from Google. And the listing is still there. How long should I wait before submitting it again?

There is no specific rule, but I usually wait one week before pushing back on Google.

I know from personal experience that if you get an email from support and you pepper them with frequent, repeated replies, they will stop responding. So, spacing out your inquiries appears to be helpful.

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