More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-8979" src="" alt="GoogleReviews" width="35%" />​

Those in the know, know... you can add &review=1 to the end of a Google+ Local URL to directly trigger the "Write a Review" white box. People often use that option when emailing clients to ask for a review, so they go directly to the write a review box.

I shared that tip that came directly from Googler Joel Headley back in 2013 and it still works for me.

However, there have been lots of reports on Google+, here at the forum and on the Google forum about the fact that that trick no longer works consistently and some can't get it to work at all.

Made a cool discovery! (Thinks it's new. Never heard anyone talk about it.)

Stumbled on this site: Crucial FOUR | Get 10% OFF Purchases in December!

That site is offering an incentive for a review, in violation of the guidelines.
BUT that's not the cool part!

Click the link to write a review on the page above and see where it goes. It goes to their review overlay link right on the SERPS. I've never seen anyone link directly to that review overlay before.
(Maybe this isn't new and everyone knows it - it's just a 1st for me!)

Here lets use my listing for an example so you can compare:

White Box Direct Review Link (Gets right to the point but is plain and boring)

Review Overlay Link

If you were a customer being asked to leave a review - which looks better to YOU????

I think I'd rather send people to the review overlay page than the blank white write a review page. It has color. They can read other reviews while there. And there is a big blue write a review button, so think it's still obvious. Yes, but writing a review is one more click away.

So it's really personal preference, which you prefer to use, but again, if you like the 2nd option better and/or are having trouble getting "&review=1" to work, you might try this.

Haha... When I 1st found that link at the Crucial FOUR site above, I worked on replacing different URL parameters to find out how to replicate it for another business. Finally figured out the right format. Then duh... found out you can just get the link directly. Not sure why I've never heard anyone talk about this, but it's super easy.

In the 7 pack, just click reviews, so it pulls up the reviews overlay and the URL will be right in your browser.

If you prefer to go directly to the write a review white box and &review=1 is not working - another way to get the same screen is to click the reviews in the SERPS to pull the review overlay. Then click the blue write a review button. Then grab that direct link. It looks like this:


Not sure if that's any different than "&review=1" but you might try it, if having problems.

Or if none of that works, you can go to Google+ Local Search and search in a way that will only pull up the one listing you want. (If there are dupes you may need to get creative.) Then give clients that link and tell them to just click the pencil icon to write a review. Example

NOTE: None of the above options work for mobile. You can't leave a mobile review without the right app.

RELATED & HOT NEW TIP: Learn how to post multiple reviews to your site quick and easy in the space a single review would take. FREE Software lets share reviews. Just Point. Shoot. Gif. :)

Resharing in case you missed it yesterday.

<a href="">Review Gif - Share their Best Google Reviews in a Gif in a Jiffy!</a>


What do you think of the review link ideas???
<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="Maybe cool discovery. Is this new?">
<meta property="og:image" content="">

I have seen any problems with clients and the &review=1 option yet. But if and when I do, this is a great alternative. Thanks Linda.
Clever find Linda - great idea from that company (though they must be cursing you finding their violation of guidelines :) )

Even if I didn't periodically have trouble with the review link option I think I'd still use this one just because it does look nicer IF majority of my reviews were positive. Getting a full listing of negative reviews in one's face is a bit off-putting and might even stop a positive review from being written (possibly).
Clever find Linda - great idea from that company (though they must be cursing you finding their violation of guidelines :) )

Even if I didn't periodically have trouble with the review link option I think I'd still use this one just because it does look nicer IF majority of my reviews were positive. Getting a full listing of negative reviews in one's face is a bit off-putting and might even stop a positive review from being written (possibly).

Oh good point Priya. Only use that option if all your reviews are good ones. :)
Sooo... If we're encouraging people to leave reviews, and a huge portion of our visitors are using tablets/phones...

This does not seem so straight-forward with tablets and phones. The only way i've been able to get a review thing up is via maps app, not G+ app or maps/plus in web browser. Because it's an app, can't see a URL link.

Am I missing something?
Yep this option does not work for mobile.

Weird that Google makes mobile reviews such a PIA. Since they are so into both mobile and reviews you'd think they'd make it easier.

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