More threads by Colan Nielsen

Colan Nielsen

LocalU Faculty
Jul 19, 2012
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Looks like I stumbled across another test G+ page. Anyone seen this layout before?


That's my Buddy in Stockton - Roman

I was just talking with him on Tuesday of last week and he said his listing went messing

I guess it showed back up
That's my Buddy in Stockton - Roman

I was just talking with him on Tuesday of last week and he said his listing went messing

I guess it showed back up

No that page won't rank, so it isn't back on maps.

It's a G+ Business page MISSING the local part that ranks and has reviews.

Can happen when the local part of the listing is deleted or suspended. It leaves just the G+ Business page.

But that is a little different view Colan. Isn't that just a mobile view? Is there an M or anything different in the URL than the one I'm posting below?

Here is the actual page in normal view: But it's not a G+ Local page so won't rank.
This site you are talking about is my site. Thanks Omegaman for the heads up. It is the mobile version of g+ and it was removed due to too many edits according to someone who called from Google.
sorry about the signature. I am new as of this post.
So any member know how to get this listing FIXED ?

or should he start a new LISTING >?
This site you are talking about is my site. Thanks Omegaman for the heads up. It is the mobile version of g+ and it was removed due to too many edits according to someone who called from Google.

Sorry your listing was deleted Romano. I don't really have enough info to go on though.

Found a little more info at the G forum. You said:

"My listing was listed on maps but now it has been removed. I have submitted forms for help and got a reply stating that I need to delete plus page and start all over again. I have been working on my page for the past couple of months to make a resource of info and I don't want to lose all the work I have put into it. I was told that too many edits happened and that's why it was removed but that sounds foolish. I was offered to change the name by Google and did so and I also needed to change my address and did that. That shouldn't be cause for complete removal in my opinion. I should just be verified again. I also have an seo company redoing all my work for me but that shouldn't affect me. What is my next course of action?"

Ehg asked and I want to see too the email from Google about this.

Above here you said Google called you. But at the G forum sounded more like an email.

Need more specifics.

What did you edit exactly and how often.
Why did you change name and address?

What was name and address before and after the change?
so we did an address change to reflect a new location in a bigger city. its a physical address. a couple of months back on my g+ page i was allowed to adjust the name from The Key Guy to The Key Guy Mobile Locksmith. This name change had no effect on my maps listing or g+.
About a week or so ago my seo guy changed the address. thats when the listing came off. I went to my g+ page and resubmitted for review because those changes should only cause a reverification.
I received a call from Google which was supposed to help me with this but the support person said that the moderators were suggesting I delete the page entirely and start over due to many edits that had been made. I mentioned while on the phone that this sounds wrong because all they had to do was reverify.
I then looked at my gmail and found I received a local support email:

Hi there,

Thanks so much for getting in touch with Google My Business support!

A member of our support team will be back in touch with you soon with instructions and next steps. Please note that response times are currently longer than usual, so we appreciate your patience as we investigate. If you remember something else that you think we should know about your issue, please feel free to reply to this message with that information.

Also, feel free to check out our online help resources and community forum, which are full of useful information and tips to help you manage your business information and engage with your customers.

Very best,

The Google My Business Team


?2012 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

This email and the information it contains are confidential and may be privileged. If you have received this email in error please notify me immediately. You should not copy it for any purpose, or disclose its contents to any other person. Internet communications are not secure and, therefore, Google does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message as it has been transmitted over a public network. If you suspect the message may have been intercepted or amended please contact us.


Roman Gallardo <></>

10:20 AM (21 hours ago)

to local-help



Hello Surabhi,I believe I got incorrect information regarding how to keep my current g+ page active and in the same ranking on maps. Upon posting for advice from google business forum, it was suggested that I only need to re-verify my info and the edits and that should be ok to keep my listing active and thus not require the deletion and need to recreate the page.
This would be the only remedy that should be taken as a course of action on a verified business.

On Thursday, August 14, 2014, <> wrote:
Hello Roman,

Thank you for contacting Google My Business Support.

We really appreciate your patience and interest to create your page in Google Places. As we discussed, Here is the link to delete andcreate business Page on Google.

Please feel free to contact us to this same email, if you ever need any assistance with your places account.

Thank you.

Google My Business Support

I asked my seo guy about this and he said that he is not surprised I got the wrong info from Google.
Here is my link:

---------- Post Merged at 07:56 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 07:43 AM ----------

Just this past week I noticed that posts from my g+ page were starting to show up. ironically, it seems as though this happened right after.
Last edited:
Hi Roman,

"to reflect a new location in a bigger city. its a physical address"

Is it a REAL address? Not a UPS store or Regus or something?

FYI ehg at the Google forum had already escalated that post to Google.

I just added a link to your post here so they could see the support emails.
ok Thanks Linda. This is a real address because I dont want google to remove it. its funny how something you dont want ends up happening anyway just because you tried to do it right.

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