More threads by Cori Shirk

Oct 17, 2013
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Updates to Google My Business Locations

{See Official Announcement From Linda - Post #2 below.}

I'm seeing some nice updates to Google My Business Locations! Aside from some general cosmetic UI updates, there's a new "Provide clarifications" menu in the left nav:


What's most exciting, though, is the "Google updates" menu item under that header- it's an update to the previously vague "data conflicts" error that would appear if any of your submitted data was different than what was currently displayed on your Google+ page. With this update, you can compare the old data to the new data side by side:


Exciting to see the bulk tool getting some TLC :)


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Jade just let us know about what I know will be a very welcome update for
Google My Business Locations (the bulk interface).

<a href="!category-topic/business/announcements/oU_p-dVQG_A">Google My Business Locations - Google updates</a>

The Google My Business Locations dashboard’s got an improved way of showing you locations that have different data live on Google than from what you submitted. This will be visible for upgraded users of Google My Business Locations.

First, some background-- Google uses information from many sources--including user reports and licensed content--to make sure locations stay as accurate as possible. We depend on business owners to provide high quality, up-to-date business information. However, if we receive reports of incorrect or outdated information in a location, you may notice a “Google update” to that location.

Google updated information is what shows across Google Maps and search. You can review updates to locations in your account to ensure their accuracy, or, you can correct an inaccurate update.

There is quite a bit more info including:

- How to identify a location that’s got a Google update
- How to review a Google update
- Info about using spreadsheet import

Plus there is a lot more info at this help doc:
Review Google updates

Thanks to the Google Team for continuing to make GMB Locations better.
I'm sure all the bulk users out there will appreciate this!

What do you think???
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Hi Cori! You scooped my story - eagle eye you! :p

I guess you were posting while I was still writing the official announcement, which I just got notified of. So didn't see your post. Merged yours into mine which is here in the Google Local IMPORTANT section of the forum, since this is an update. And your post hit 1st to it's on top.

Thanks for sharing! Those screenshots are great!
I got this update in my dashboard a few days ago (around Monday). Was looking forward to seeing the scoop here :)

Great rundown, Cori and Linda.
We've seen this in upgraded Google accounts since 10/10 as well and it works great. So far, our favorite feature of the new "Google Updates" functionality is that a feed/spreadsheet update will override the Google Update. This is in contrast to how the previous Data Conflicts functionality worked, which required manual review and submission on a per listing basis within the dash. We update all of our clients' bulk feeds on at least a monthly basis (new locations, closed locations, phone updates, hours, URL, photos, address, lat/long etc. etc.), and also make ad-hoc updates as they occur. As a result, we have a very high level of data accuracy and we've found the Google Updates/Data Conflicts are usually more out of date than our data. For this reason, the bulk override feature is very welcome.

You can imagine how time consuming it is to manually review data conflicts for clients with many thousands of locations.

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