More threads by Chaddow

Sep 5, 2016
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Hello Everyone

Your help and insight would be great here

In short one of my clients is expanding and opening new locations, this means we had to create a GMB for them, one of the locations is going to be in a brand new building. We created the listing at the end of January this year and verified it without a problem ( in a bulk account) and everything was fine and working as it should

Two duplicate unclaimed pages were found and I removed them as part of the retainer. however when the second one was removed the business disappeared from the map and the maps app but still appears without issue on the knowledge graph and if you click through from there the map pin appears as it should

however if you type the brand name into google maps nothing appears and it says "google can't find this location"

I have contacted support and reached out on twitter and I keep being told that business take time to appear on maps and to optimize my location , which I have already done through images,contact info amenities ect

It whilst also appearing when first verified before the shell pages were merged

I feel that this is a bug and opening date has not effect this issue which is the 1st of March
Did it end up disappearing or is it still acting like this? There is a lag so you might see it for 24-48 hours after it's removed from Maps.
Hello @JoyHawkins

Thanks for coming back have managed to get in touch with google , they admit that this is an edge case and are looking into it , I think a big part of the problem is that the location is being founded in a brand new city block and the fact there is no historic road data which is causing the problem

So I just hope that my contact can help to resolve the issue



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