More threads by Cori Shirk

Oct 17, 2013
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So I've got a strange one for you... I'd been actively adding/ managing listings from a verified Google Places bulk account since January 2014. In June 2014, we were up to around 4,000 (not spam, I promise- my client just has a lot of gas stations around the country!). We were able to access our listings from both the bulk management interface and the regular Google Places dashboard.

So in early June, our account migrated over to Google My Business Locations... but none of our listings came along. All of them (except for two random 'pending' ones) disappeared completely from our management dashboard! We've called Google support 3 or 4 times, and just this month were FINALLY told that this was caused by a "technical issue" and that Google's engineers are "pursing a resolution." All of the listings are still live on Google.

Has anyone else had this happen? If so, was the issue ever resolved? How long did it take? It took Google support two months to admit that it was a technical glitch, so I'm curious how long it will take to get a fix.

Thanks in advance for any guidance!
Hey Cori,

OMG how much sleep are you losing over this one??? So sorry!

For something this serious, I'd post over in the Google Business forum.

Once you do, then please drop a link here so I don't miss your post and I'll escalate your post to Google management to have a look and see if we can get some answers for you.
Hi Linda,

It's been a stressful few weeks over here to say the least ;)

Here's a link to my post in the Google Business forum:!category-topic/business/technical-issue/HGj0vF339SM Hopefully I posted that in the right forum... I've never actually had to take anything to the Google forums before, so please let me know if I need to delete and repost somewhere else!

Thank you SO MUCH for your help with this!! I really appreciate it!
Just wanted to update this- our listings have reappeared in our account! :D They're all pending, but at least they're there. Linda, thanks again for escalating this!
Oh whew Cori. So glad they are back. Glad Jade could help get it back on track.
Hopefully the pending is just brief and then all are back to normal!

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