More threads by khiebert

Nov 2, 2013
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Here is my quick story. I have listed my business for 6 plus months, hoping the longer I wait that my results will eventually show in Google maps search.

The search I am looking to achieve impressions from is "Vancouver WA Life Coach". I have currently no impressions and am not listed under this search.

There are few like businesses in my area so the competition is not very high.

My business profile is at 100%.

I am at a loss of what to do. I have added photos. I know I need reviews.

Any thoughts????

Business name: Screen Shot 2013-11-02 at 5.49.35 PM.jpg
[h=2]Resonate Life Coaching and Leadership Development[/h]

Screen Shot 2013-11-02 at 5.49.35 PM.jpg
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Hi Kevin,

Looks like you have a variety of issues and I don't have time to go deep and do a lot of free research for you tonight, so I'll just share the most obvious things I noticed.

To rank in local is not just about the G+ L page it's about your site and 3rd party data.
The local algo is UBER complicated. There are about 300 different factors that all have to be sort of in unison, clean, consistent and violation-free.

1) Your name appears to be what we call keyword stuffed which is a serious violation that can cause suspension. The name on the G+ L page needs to be the REAL business name with no keywords or marketing tag line or anything added.

Google checks how many other sites mention your business and what name you normally go by.

When I search Google for "Resonate" "(360) 904-5150" there are 699 matches. (All those matches help your ranking if they are an exact match! But they aren't.) Based on that research and your site it looks like your business name is just Resonate.

However a search for the name on your G+ L page "Resonate Life Coaching and Leadership Development" "(360) 904-5150" only shows 1 MATCH.

So to me and to Google it looks like the name on your listing has added keywords. Not only is adding KWs a violation but it messes up the citations that could help ranking.

2) I mentioned your site is really important to ranking too. But it's not well optimized for Vancouver WA Life Coach. And I also think you may be penalized for that specific KW.

Your site is a tiny bit better optimized for "Leadership Coaching Vancouver WA" and you do rank #2 organic. Google is not showing a pack for that phrase. So that tells me your site CAN rank and the whole site is not penalized.

You rank #1 in map search for Leadership Coaching 1104 Main St Vancouver, WA. (You SHOULD DEF rank for KW + your exact address unless something is wrong.)

However you are nowhere to be found in organic for Vancouver WA Life Coach and appear to have a penalty or something just for that specific phrase.

I also can't pull you up in map search for "Life Coach 1104 Main St Vancouver, WA" You SHOULD rank for KW + address especially since it's in your categories. But you don't.

That says KW penalty to me.

Have you had any link building done for that KW? Have you recently changed your G+ L description or anything?

3) Last but not least Map Maker says this listing was just added a couple days ago. Did you move or change the name and have to re-verify? Anything else weird happen?

Because brand new listings take 6 - 8 weeks before they rank at all and this looks like a newly verified listing. BUT it does rank for that other KW so it is ranking for something???

That's all I have time to do but if you can answer some of the Qs above I might have a little more time to weigh in tomorrow.

Thanks for the reply.

As far as your questions. Yesterday I was playing with Mapmarker. In the details of my address it shows "Esther Short" as part of my address. I thought that might be the problem. So I went to edit it, but ended up removing my edits.

I have not changed any of my description or wording for several months.

As far as my name of my business. I did not try to add a keyword on purpose. Really it my not being clear in my business identity. On my website I have Resonate Coaching and Leadership Development, on my google I have the Resonate Life Coaching and Leadership Development. On my business cards it is just Resonate. Sounds like this be one of my problems. Do these all have to match?

Thank you for any more help or advice.

Yesterday I was playing with Mapmarker. In the details of my address it shows "Esther Short" as part of my address. I thought that might be the problem. So I went to edit it, but ended up removing my edits.

Where do you see that? I don't see it.

Should not edit in Map Maker. You can do more harm than good if you are not trained/experienced. I won't even do edits there. There are better ways to fix things if there is a problem. But I don't see that in address?

I asked above but wanted to ask again. Have you had any link building done for "life coaching" type KWs?

I didn't see your email last night before I posted here. Will try to reply there soon.

I don't believe that I have had any link building done. I have done everything myself.

But I am not totally clear on what "link building" actions would consist of. I have put keywords on my website, etc. But I don't think that is what you are referring to here.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Have you paid anyone to do SEO and told them your main keyword was life coach?

Often SEOs do link building and if they did it wrong it can cause a penalty.
No I have never paid anyone to do any SEO. It has been all mine own tinkering.

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