More threads by br1168


Aug 7, 2017
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If I have a Google My Business location on the west coast, and one on the east coast, will someone in Kansas searching for my company still see a location extension?
No, they will not. The Location Extension only shows if the user is close to the address. I don't know the exact radius but I believe it's around 20 miles.
I have seen it 25 miles out. Searched from Glendale, AZ with showroom in Scottsdale, AZ. But I was signed into Google so it may have been personalized.
Like JoyHawkins said, someone is Kansas is going to be out of range to see your location extension. The only way they would is if they included the city you reside in. Unless you happened to settle down in two cities with the same name, it shouldn't create much confusion.

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