More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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<img src="" alt="24Tv" width="65%" />​

I started binge watching "24" on Amazon Prime. Binge watching psychological thrillers is my new guilty pleasure at night when I'm too tired to work. (Don't know how I ever used to watch single weekly episodes of anything!) I had seen an episode of "24" here and there previously, but I came to realize it's a show you have to watch from the beginning, because there are so many overlapping story lines.

I was thinking about "24" today and how now that I'm at the end of season one, the show has so many subplots it's getting ridiculous and almost makes me dizzy. ("24" Trailer)

Just one tiny sequence of events toward the middle: Jack Bauer's daughter gets kidnapped. Then his wife gets kidnapped too. They finally escape - then are kidnapped again. Then they escape again. Then get in a wreck. It looks like the daughter gets blown up in the car. So the mother freaks out and gets amnesia and doesn't know who she is. But the daughter ends up being alive and through a strange chain of events ends up in jail. Mom can't help her, because she doesn't remember who she is. Jack can't help her because, he's in the middle of a plot to save the the presidential candidate from being murdered. (About 8 more sub plots are going on in that part of the story.) The police finally believe the jailed daughter, when she tells them she's Jack's offspring. But when the police try to take her from jail to see her father at the Counter Terrorist Unit office. She's kidnapped again. Then Jack gets kidnapped for like the 3rd time as well.

That's just one little part. I left out like 29 other sub plots, many of which were going on simultaneously.

Are you getting dizzy yet?
Are you getting the big picture?
By now I'm sure you get where I'm going with all of this.

Google Local is filled with almost as many twists and turns, subplots, conspiracy theories... and yes almost as much excitement - as 24!

The suspense. The intrigue. The edge of your seat thrill ride!
You never know what crazy twists and turns
will happen next in Google Local Land!

Another thing the two have in common and this you can be sure of: The directors of both shows know exactly what each new twist is eventually building up to. They have an end game and a plan for exactly what's going to happen in the end! It's just that we don't get to see the big picture or understand what the final conclusion will be, until the full drama unfolds. We have to go through all these new subplots, which will finally lead us to the grand finale - where all will be revealed.

Do I know where this Google Local episode is going to end up?
No, but if I did know and told you, I'd have to kill you! (Due to my NDA) :p

Here are just a few recent crazy Google twists and turns - just since May 1st!

<a href="">Major Google Local Algo Changes - Results Less Localized</a>

<a href="">Google Location Results Still Screwy | Understanding Google My Business & Local Search</a>

<a href="">Grrr... Google Removes all Links to G+ L Page from Map Listings!</a>

<a href="">RIP Google+ Local Search - More Changes</a>

<a href="">Google+ Knowledge Panel Messaging Gone | Understanding Google My Business & Local Search</a>

<a href="">Google My Business Locations (Bulk Upload) Gets Another Update</a>

<a href="">Google Launches Local Restaurant Delivery & Appointment Booking</a>

RUMOR: <a href="">BREAKING: Is Google Getting into the Home Services Market Like Amazon?</a>

(Haha, hows that for a long winded way of doing a roundup of all the recent changes?) :p

All I know is Google Local is making me dizzy again. And I'd sure like to know what the end game is.
But I guess like the show 24, we'll have to wait and let the story unfold...

What about you? Are you getting dizzy from all the drama and subplots?

Where do you think this is all heading???
<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="The suspense. The intrigue. The edge of your seat thrill ride! You never know what crazy twists and turns
will happen next in Google Local Land!">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
Oh and regarding all the changes, just wanted to add this...

Mike made such a good point in his post about the G+ link being removed from maps listings.

"Google’s rate of change is so many times greater than the rate of adoption that no SMB has a clue what they should with Google these days."

And to that I'll reply with a gif I made awhile back... ;)


Great show, example, and gif! A guilty pleasure. I went on a Jack Bauer Binger while sitting through chemo treatments years back. Now that you mention all the sub plots it does seem quite ridiculous at times.
Thanks Cody. I'm so glad that's behind you and you're OK now!
Thanks for this insight, Linda. My wife and I waited until it was over and then binged over several successful weekends.

As I tell our clients, good luck on trying to keep up with the changes if you ever want to try to do this on your own. It's almost more than a full time job for us, and then we seem to get surprised.

These rapid changes are a real benefit for those of us in the client servicing business.

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