More threads by MartinMaybruck

Jul 19, 2012
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Can anyone suggest the best way to manage a medical clinic which has 10+ professionals including some willing to pay a premium to get special attention?

Can I create dedicated Google+ Local pages for each Doctor?
Hey Martin,

Welcome and THANKS for starting a great topic.

Yes, it's within the guidelines to have a page for the practice and one for each doctor BUT it can really mess up ranking on your main practice listing and knock it out of search.

See these threads explaining some problems and then the 2nd one offers some ideas.

<a href="">Google Places DUPLICATES – Have Doctor, Dentist or Lawyer DUPES? You NEED to Read This</a>

<a href="">Overcoming New Google Places Duplicate Listing Problems for Dentists, Doctors, Attorneys</a>

ALSO FYI - One of my training clients who is also a member here, claimed her Dr listings and the account went into PURGATORY a severe penalty state, beyond suspended. It means the account is virtually dead. This happened after the troubleshooter was removed, so I'm not sure if she's gotten to support yet. I'll see if she can weigh in or add anything.

BUT every practice situation is different and needs to be analyzed. After you read the above if you want to explain more about this practice to get a more personalize recommendation or if other questions pop up after reading, just holler.
You are very welcome Martin. Hope that info helps!
Might as well add Real Estate businesses in there too. Many real estate agencies are brokerages with multiple agents that fit in the practitioner definition.

One specifically had 20 agents in the agency. The main listing went from top 5 in the market to 3rd page. =/

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