More threads by Mike Pedersen

Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
I know I might be repeating myself a bit, and for that I am sorry, but am really trying to learn this G+Local.

If we have a client, and they have a decent ranking G+Local business listing, but it is not optimized. How do we get in there if they do not know/or remember who set it up?

This seems to be a frequent them with 3 of my clients now...UGH!

I don't want to mess up their current rankings, but they don't have any posts, videos, etc. on their G+ listing.

Thanks in advance,

I would do everything you can to try and figure out who and where it was claimed before. If you absolutely can't figure it out then you will simply have to create a new Google account and re-claim the listings.

---------- Post Merged at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 09:32 AM ----------

I don't want to mess up their current rankings, but they don't have any posts, videos, etc. on their G+ listing.

If you are talking about pure Google+ Local listings (Google Places) the video function isn't currently supported so you won't see videos on the listings.
Thanks Colan!

I actually logged in with a gmail account they had, and verified the one we want.

How come I see a tab for videos, as well as posts, About?



I would do everything you can to try and figure out who and where it was claimed before. If you absolutely can't figure it out then you will simply have to create a new Google account and re-claim the listings.

---------- Post Merged at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 09:32 AM ----------

If you are talking about pure Google+ Local listings (Google Places) the video function isn't currently supported so you won't see videos on the listings.
Hard to know what you mean without seeing it because it's confusing to explain or to understand what people mean sometimes.

But if you are saying right on the live PUBLIC page there is a video tab and a posts tab on top. Is there also a follow button and a check mark next to the name? Is there also a review button? If so

If so then it sounds like you verified a Google+ Business page (which merged it with the Place page) instead of verifying the listing in the Google Places dashboard which I think is what you should have done or were trying to do. Thought it sounded before like you were verifying the wrong way, but could not quite follow what you were trying to explain without seeing it.

IF that's what you did and it's now a verified G+ page now, important to note now you CAN'T edit anything in dash. (And we don't recommend verifying/merging G+ because it's too buggy. But sounds like that's where you are at.)

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