More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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I know some of you have had to deal with the problem of slanderous reviews, so hopefully the tips in the article below will help.

How To Remove Slanderous Google Reviews - A Case Study | SEOno

Earlier this week, I had to deal with a slanderous review left on my parents’ company’s Google Places (a.k.a. Google+ Local) page... Surprisingly, Google doesn’t exactly make the process easy. Well, they do, but it’s one of those ‘once you know, you know’ scenarios. And after reading about some horror stories, I wanted to outline how I managed it. So if you’re in a similar boat then I hope this helps you out.

4) Report legal action

This was the winner though. After doing all of the above, I investigated a bit more and discovered this post, which brought to my attention something I should’ve spotted in #1 above – this:

See the screen shot and more about reporting a review to Google legal. He said once he did that it, the fake review was removed 24 hours later.

Here is the link to another similar post with instructions too: How to get Google Places review removed

They are both saying to use the 3rd link on ‘this page‘ to submit a legal request. That page is about submitting a court order but I didn't see either author mention they got a court order - but I admittedly skimmed both articles.

Anyway, hope that info sends you in the right direction and helps if you ever have clients in this situation.
I know some of you have had to deal with the problem of slanderous reviews, so hopefully the tips in the article below will help.

See the screen shot and more about reporting a review to Google legal. He said once he did that it, the fake review was removed 24 hours later.

Here is the link to another similar post with instructions too: How to get Google Places review removed

They are both saying to use the 3rd link on ?this page? to submit a legal request. That page is about submitting a court order but I didn't see either author mention they got a court order - but I admittedly skimmed both articles.

Anyway, hope that info sends you in the right direction and helps if you ever have clients in this situation.
This is a good article notwithstanding the obvious legal inaccuracy in using the term "slander" instead of "libel." Slander is spoken mistruths to harm another whereas libel is published mistruths to harm.

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