More threads by Kyrton


Feb 8, 2017
Reaction score
Is it better to have several : My business delivers goods & services to customers within this area: "enter city"

Or a radius of my address?

Currently I am using radius.

In my listing of google map, it shows I am an electrician in the county. Which is nice, but everyone else it says they in particular city.

Any advice ?
Hi Kryton,

Best option is usually your city with 20 mile radius. The way local works you'll mainly only have a chance to rank in your city anyway. (Depending on competition.)
you might also like to know that Google's current algorithm doesn't factor your service area at all when it comes to ranking. Literally all it does, is show a highlighted area on the map showing where you operate when someone sees your business information in the knowledge panel.

For all intents and purposes, you'll rank roughly similar to how you'd rank if you had an actual office at your hidden address. The closer people are to your actual location, the more likely you'll appear. If you do the work and find you're not getting a lot of traction in the nearest high population area, you may want to supplement with a local landing page.

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