More threads by Larry Linson

Jan 9, 2018
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I have been suspended, and my appeal was denied. It looks to me like I have no further appeal options (the "continue" button is greyed out). But I have been told I have another appeal. I had previously been a brick and mortar business and my building was razed in 2022. I went home and that has worked out OK. I changed my address to my home address in my GBP per advice here and hid the address. I am assuming the suspension had something to do with that though in their arrogance Google will not provide a suspension reason: they will just rob me of my high quality review it took me YEARS to accumulate.

I spoke with someone holding themselves out as a suspension expert who wants us to do some elaborate ruse with a sign and fake pictures. I am not going to do that. Nor am I going to go out and get a lease just to please Google. I am no more than 5 years from retirement - I really don't want to take a lease. Nor to be honest do a trust Google to reinstate my account of I do that.

I would rather focus on strengthening my website, reaching out to former client from the many years I have been in business to see if I can live without a Google Maps listing. My question is: if I do that - waiting 8-12 months to act - will I still be able to re-establish my GBP account and get my review back if I do relent and get a lease?

This is nothing more interferance with a small business by an arrogant monopoly. I have a competitor from another part of the county who is getting a one box for a suburban area because he hired someone and they are listing that person HOUSE as the business address. That person does NOT accept clients at their home. I reported it yet Google does nothing. I hope our government finally wakes up and takes this company to task!

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Everything has to be done properly and it is ok to use your home address if it is hidden, so make sure you have the right documentation and you don't have a time limit to appeal.
The documents have to show that the business is the address and that you are the owner of the business. That's why they ask for business licenses and utility bills.

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