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Oct 1, 2015
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I try to update Street View image on a GMB listing. Previously, the listing was set at the wrong address - number 4 instead of 4A on the same road. I updated the address (with a little help of GMB Support), however, the SV image remained the same.

I reported an incorrect image via "Send a review" on G. Maps. I also contacted support and moved the pin. With no success.

Do you have any ideas, what else can I do?

One of the ways you can fix that is by hiring a Google trusted photographer. Instead of showing street view in the knowledge panel and such, in most places it'll show a 'see inside' instead. If you want to see what it looks like, Joy mentions that in point 8 in her article about moving without running into ranking drops.

If you'd like to read more about Google Trusted photographers, there's a thread here about whether it's worth the cost, and there's Linda's megathread on the topic. Beyond that, my understanding is that getting street view to change for your business can be an exercise in frustration (as you might guess when reading Google's instructions for fixing an incorrect street listing) but someone else who's actually got some personal experience with grappling with that will have to weigh in if you want more info.
Hi Seweryn,

Unfortunately there's no way to request a Street view change - you just have to wait for Google to do its thing :(

James' suggestion of using a trusted photographer is a good one. I've also seen people report success through uploading their own business photos to the page - sometimes this triggers the Street View change, sometimes it simply replaces the Street View image in the Knowledge graph.
A Google Street View Photographer can only provide the 'see inside' service for businesses. Any residential location is off limits.
True, but there won't be any street view visible for a SAB business either.
I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by SAB.
What might provide the answer though is to do a photo sphere outside the property and load the geotagged image into Google Maps, captioned with the street address.
Although Google Views were disabled in August 2015, they can still be loaded through the Google Street View App in Maps.
Any Trusted Photographer should know how to do this, though sadly not all do.
Had this problem recently, uploading to Photosphere will update the streetview listing especially if there isn't one right now. Image went live within 24 hours

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