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Mar 17, 2014
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I really want the new places dashboard for the 60+ hotels I manage SEO for. It has been almost a year since the new dash rolled out. Is there anything I can do to speed up this process? Is there potentially something I am doing wrong with the account that is preventing me from being upgraded?

Worst of all, the hotel managers all want to begin using the social features of Google+ with their local listings, but I am unable to upgrade. Up until about 2 months ago, I was able to create a new Google+ local listing, and merge it with the old Places listing (had to reverify) but am now unable to do that. When I try, I just get an alert that says I already have ownership of this property.

I'm sure many people share this frustration with me. What are you telling your clients, especially those who just don't understand the uber-complex ecosystem of Google's local search? Having the social capabilities enabled could help the hotels interact with potential customers, yet Google won't enable this feature. Seems counter intuitive since Google really wants more people to use Plus.

I would just tell them that bulk upload for multi-location businesses is very complicated and has not been upgraded yet and to set their expectations I would tell them you think it's still a ways off.

Google I think realizes it's important but I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands more individual listings than there are chains, so I assume the priority needs to be getting all those regular businesses upgraded before they can stop and shift efforts to bulk listings. But it's not a flip-a-switch upgrade. I assume the whole bulk process will need to be re-built or something which will take time.

"Up until about 2 months ago, I was able to create a new Google+ local listing, and merge it with the old Places listing (had to reverify) but am now unable to do that."

That was NOT recommended and is now causing problems for those who did it even though we kept saying not to. AND it was especially not recommended for multi-location businesses.

So unfortunately it's a waiting game.

They could set up brand G+ pages to do social on. BUT then once their Place page is upgraded, all their followers will be on the other page and currently there is no way to merge pages or move followers and I don't think there will be.
I have successfully upgraded to the new dashboard many times, but I have always needed to use a new email to do so.
I too have been waiting for the new dashboard for an account. I have also been seeing that same message about the new dashboard for quite some time. I contacted Places Support in regards to another issue and inquired about the amount of time it was going to take for the new dashboard. All they were able to tell me on 2 separate occasions was that the account on their end showed it was "in transition." They are not able to give you any additional information.

They mentioned it would just be updated when I logged in at a random time. My advice would be to follow the support links and speak to a representative who can at least tell you if your account is in transition or not.
Thanks for the advice, everyone.

The manhours it would take to create a new email address (or use an existing alias) and transfer the current Places pages...not worth it in my opinion, and definitely not in the client's opinion. There are 60+ hotels.

I've been on the phone with Google reps various times, and have been helped to varying degrees ranging from not at all to very little. Last time I spoke with a rep he told me there was no way to tell if an account was in the process of transitioning or not. Sounds like you got a more knowledgeable (or creative) rep.

Thanks again -- I guess I'll just wait *downtrodden, kicks empty can down street with hands in pockets*

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