More threads by MiriamEllis

Jul 23, 2012
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Hi Everybody!

I haven't had a client with a business name like this one in more than a year and need to brush up on my current best practices for the listing of a name like this on the Google+ Local page.

Let's say it's a legal firm named Jones & Jones, P.C.

Is Google currently okay with the use of ampersands?

And, how about those capital letters? I recall when too many caps could squish your listing. How about these days?

If you've recently dealt with a similar business name or have general knowledge to share, I'd really love to receive your reply.
Did anybody have any thoughts on this? Just bumping in case it got buried in light of all the way more exciting things going on with Google right now. :D
Hi Miriam, yes, got buried. Thanks for bumping. I tried to reply at the time but something came up.

"&" not sure but assume if it's consistently used in the name it should be OK.

Caps - 3 is fine. She's OK with INC or DDS or PC or DC or MD and other professional or corp designations/abbreviations.

She's just not OK with: LOOKY HERE Plumbing or TARGET Marketing.

You didn't ask, but I typically don't use periods either. Not saying I know explicitly you should either use OR avoid. I just personally don't add them to DDS or DC or most other professional designations.

Haha! Love it, Linda! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, and I appreciate your additional notes on using periods. I feel brought up to speed on my questions. It's funny how that can happen with client work. You can go for months or even years without running into a client with some little factor that then pops up. In that time, so much can have changed. I really appreciate your response! Hope you had fun playing with the grandkids.
Thanks Miriam, yes had fun with all 5 Grandkids in town. We did the County Fair and had lots of play time. Just what Grandma needed - play time! :p
I've came across many legal firms Google Places listing using "ampersands as well as capital letters" and ranking without any issues like "Name & Name CPA PLLC" "Company Name CPA PC"

As Linda said, i also assume
if it's consistently used in the name it should be OK
Thanks for the period tip Linda. I've got a new client in the exact same situation as Miriam, and now I know!
Kristen, just a tip, not saying it's right or the only way. Just my way. :p
Your way has worked well for me in the past, I always appreciate your input on all things local. :)

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