More threads by JCL Marketing

Apr 7, 2016
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I get too many disputes denied when I have obvious recordings of leads already booked calling back. I get a response as soon as I hit send in most cases. The phone recordings can't play any part in the dispute process. I have recordings of clients calling up to cancel appointments, reconfirm appointments, and/or explicitly state they're calling back and these get denied almost 100%. Most other situations seem to be approved pretty well but the clients calling back, especially on another number, are tough to take. $40-50 to get the lead and another $40-50 to have them call back and cancel.
Yeah, that's no way to maximize ROI. I haven't had too much of it, but I have noticed those situations. I dispute also, and mark Duplicate lead as the reason, most do get approved but we're not talking a super high volume of disputes either. I also put call notes indicating that status on the lead record.

We also make it a point to inform clients/intake team to give their general phone number to clients on that initial call - in case they do need to reschedule, cancel...etc.
I don’t see a high volume of these but enough I guess to get frustrated and write a post about. It’s the fact I know it’s going to be denied before I hit send and 10 seconds later it is and there’s no recourse even though we have irrefutable proof. Phone support will agree with up and down but explain there’s nothing they can do. Thanks for your reply and letting me vent.

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