More threads by Curlsnswirls


Mar 30, 2024
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really need this group’s help!

My small business was one of the first to do LSAs when it came to our area in 2017/2017. We loved it, our primary form of advertising for many years.
In September of 2022 our GMB listing (linked to LSA) was suspended. Never figured out why. Took a month to get it back up. LSA leads came back but not as good as before. Then they started declining. August of 2023 LSAs were down 80% compared to Aug 22.
Then early in March of this year our GMB became unlinked to our LSA. Again, no explanation. Chatted with LSA, took about 10 minutes to relink once it was discovered. But now our pathetic LSA leads are down to 0. Still getting some impressions but I think we’re ranked way too low to get leads.

Over this time of trouble, I feel like I’ve done everything. We get 1-3 5 star reviews daily, mark everything as booked, dispute where appropriate, all service types selected. I read in this group that LSA wants city names, not zip codes, so I’m changing that. We try very hard to never miss a call. I’ve spoken with LSA multiple times and they say there is no problem.

Meanwhile new competitors with far less reviews show up at the top every time I search.

1. Should I denylist and start over with a new LSA account? I’m guessing that means we have to get reverified, etc? I want to do that, just don’t want any issues with my GMB.

2. People/companies who manage LSA: should I hire one? I’m fairly fluent in PPC and LSA. Can’t figure out how it would be with the money for LSA management, but maybe I don’t know what I don’t know.

Any advice would be extremely appreciated!!!! Thank you!
I cannot confirm this, but your LSA account may be compatible with the LSA system. 2019 and earlier profiles run on old code that is not compatible with the new code, and this can cause serious issues.

To do it right you need to decouple the GBP from LSA and make a new one. Only LSA can help on that part.
I cannot confirm this, but your LSA account may be compatible with the LSA system. 2019 and earlier profiles run on old code that is not compatible with the new code, and this can cause serious issues.

To do it right you need to decouple the GBP from LSA and make a new one. Only LSA can help on that part.

Thank you!
I think so too, but when I asked an LSA rep about it they said I couldn’t do that. I want to do it without causing any issues, especially with my GMB. Do I tell them that I want to unlink my profile and create a new LSA account? Or do I create a new LSA account with a different primary email address and then unlink the GMB, then link it to the new account?
That is really sticky, we have our contacts at LSA do the unlink, then we make new and they link it back up.

If done wrong you end up with a duplicate that gets no traffic.

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