For the past few weeks our ranking in LSA dropped. Yesterday the badge disappeared. Today the top two disappeared leaving only the two ads that’s been on the bottom for over a year.
I called support yesterday and they assured me that it’s because I updated my budget and that I would be live again in 24-48 hours. Problem is that I updated my budget after I noticed badge was gone.
I’m throwing in the towel, going to pay for consulting.
Is this happening all over or is it just my area? I assume since 3 out of 5 had badges disappear and customer service said everything is good- it must be a glitch?
I called support yesterday and they assured me that it’s because I updated my budget and that I would be live again in 24-48 hours. Problem is that I updated my budget after I noticed badge was gone.
I’m throwing in the towel, going to pay for consulting.
Is this happening all over or is it just my area? I assume since 3 out of 5 had badges disappear and customer service said everything is good- it must be a glitch?