More threads by Mikek86


May 9, 2020
Reaction score
For the past few weeks our ranking in LSA dropped. Yesterday the badge disappeared. Today the top two disappeared leaving only the two ads that’s been on the bottom for over a year.

I called support yesterday and they assured me that it’s because I updated my budget and that I would be live again in 24-48 hours. Problem is that I updated my budget after I noticed badge was gone.

I’m throwing in the towel, going to pay for consulting.

Is this happening all over or is it just my area? I assume since 3 out of 5 had badges disappear and customer service said everything is good- it must be a glitch?
I'm assuming since you contacted support that you or they checked the Policy Manager for any violations, and the Verification tab for any expired docs or background checks - on all 5 accounts. Could be a glitch - or not - you're still losing potential business. Are any accounts paused by mistake?

There was a recent push on policy violation notifications from Google with some related bugginess, and there's been lots of chatter about reviews disappearing.
I'm assuming since you contacted support that you or they checked the Policy Manager for any violations, and the Verification tab for any expired docs or background checks - on all 5 accounts. Could be a glitch - or not - you're still losing potential business. Are any accounts paused by mistake?

There was a recent push on policy violation notifications from Google with some related bugginess, and there's been lots of chatter about reviews disappearing.
Nope. No policy violations and it’s turned on. We have a second location that only has a couple reviews. Turned that one in and it’s showing.

I feel better seeing two others disappeared. Hopefully it’s a glitch and they’ll appear again.

I was thinking Google may be trying to spread out the jobs? We’ve been on the top 2 for over a year.


Is more than 1 LSA account attached to the same GBP? And/or are there two LSA accounts with the same job types and service areas listed?
Is more than 1 LSA account attached to the same GBP? And/or are there two LSA accounts with the same job types and service areas listed?

We have two LSAs attached to two different GBPs. Same services. We made sure the service areas don’t overlap. Eventually we paused the one with only a couple reviews and expanded the service area for our main location. That was over 6 months ago. It’s been paused since then.

Now that the badge disappeared I turned the second one on. It’s working fine.

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