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Google Says Keywords In Domain Names Are Overrated
by Barry Schwartz, Search Engine Roundtable
June 24, 2022

Google's John Mueller said once again that "keywords in domain names are overrated." He and Googlers over time have said this numerous times over the years and he said it again. Instead he said "pick something for your business, pick something for the long term."

I'll throw in that I actually have found keywords in the URL (any part) have an impact on ranking. We don't publish everything we test but we did publish part of this one: Does the URL You Link to in Google My Business Impact Ranking in the Local Pack? - Sterling Sky Inc

Our findings are similar to what Brian Dean says here:

"Having a keyword in your domain name doesn’t give you the SEO boost that it used to. But it still acts as a relevancy signal."

I would also agree that I don't listen much to what Google has to say when it comes to ranking factors.
Was it the keyword in the URL or the content and meta title that helped? As for @seosemsocial, I would love to see some data to prove your point that keywords in the URL impact rankings and not just the content.

Also are talking about organic rankings or map pack rankings?
I know that having keywords in a URL such as is no longer much of a factor in SEO, but what about the domain name itself? Does it help to have a domain such as (Prev. SerpBook) - Win more rankings and projects

/services/keywords-marketing/ still works, whoever told you this probably was giving you negative vibes.

Ideally having invested with keyword within your domain name is more robust.

If you know how to apply it on your onpage or onsite SEO, it can reward you with a 12% swing compared to others who have not.


invested with keywords within, you seo scoring will hit 100/100
poorly invested in your name "Jane Doe" so no keywords will only secure a scoring of 88/100.

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